APM2 GPS Not Working

Hi folks!


I received my APM2 on Friday and I am having an issue with it. Since this board was bought for a new build rather than an existing copter, I have no way of testing it apart from using Mission Planner connected via USB.


All onboard functions (that I can test) seem to be working as expected except GPS. When I power up the board (plug it into USB) the GPS module powers up with the 3D fix LED on solid (indicating a 3D fix) rather than flashing to indicate searching for a fix. Mission Planner reports "No GPS" and 0 satellites. This doesn't change after pushing the reset button and it doesn't change regardless of how long I leave it powered up.


In the terminal window, Test/GPS does nothing - it just returns without reporting anything at all. Not even a "Hit Enter to Exit" or "GPS not installed". All other tests return values or at least report that the selected device is disabled.


I have erased, reset and reloaded the Arducopter firmware v2.5.3 several times (from mission planner) without effect. Does this mean that the GPS module is toast?


This is my first exposure to the APM2, so if I'm missing something, please let me know, but from where I sit, it looks like I'll need to get a replacement board. Let me know what you think.






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  • I have the same issue (at least seems to be the same) with APM2.5 and MediaTek GPS - GPS gets solid fix, gps test via CLI give G??G

  • 3D Robotics

    Contact help@3drobotics.com for a RMA.

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