APM2 Mediatek gps to OSD


Can anyone tell me if in APM2 (violet board), is there any place (pins or similar) in where to get Mediatek stock GPS info (nmea 9600bps?), to redirect it to custom OSD? connecting the OSD would interfere with internal GPS APM2 operaion?

thanks in advance.

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  • MinimOSD uses the MAVLINK telemetry data coming out of the APM (Including GPS data).

    I would say that your suggested idea (to redirect it to custom OSD?) is likely to cause more problems than it's worth.

    Again, the APM outputs constantly MAVLINK out of the telemetry port(s). The code exists and is trivial to read this data and convert it to OSD.



    It's nothing more than a 328P and the OSD chip. There are even some other code bases and firmwares with added features over stock http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/adding-extra-functions-to-minimosd



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