
Arducopter 2.0.48/49

There is a preview on GIT right now. I flew a version of this


The PWM output has been set to 400hz (to counter the low pass filter in most Turnigy PWMs)

The DCM's Roll and Pitch gains were lowered to .03 (recommendation of Hein Hollander)

Mavlink has gotten a re-work for performance and memory savings.


Added a scaling factor to camera Roll And Pitch CAM_P_G, CAM_R_G in the params list.

Fixed some bad PID values for Alt hold that were giving folks trouble.

Exiting a WP for another is faster and more controlled now.

Added user hooks for those who want to execute their own code inline.

Increased loiter speed to center when the copter is flown > 400cm (now 800cm).


Loiter in action.


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  • Guided mode

    I´ve been testing "guided" mode succesfully today.

    It has been fully succesfull at the first shot.

    Image below show the steps to follow to play with. Is very simple and fun. Each point marked in the map is a "right-click" with the PC mouse; then the copter flies to it and loiter wayting for a new one.  The heigth is set for each WP.

    The log is recorded as usual in the kml file.




  • I have a mikrocopter hexa xl frame with avroto 750kv motors, APS 11x4.7 propellers and AC2. With standar PID is incredibly stable, but in the fast descents in the transition to hover has strong oscillations, which are fixed pushing up the throttle momentarily. I tried to lower the P rate, but it still does. I will try to lower P rate more.

    Alt hold with sonar, its very acurate.I have problems with GPS Position hold. It doesn't want to maintain position. It has a permanent drift until I recovered in stable position. Does anyone have any idea what could happen? (the GPS position is fixed and blue LED it's solid on)

  • 2.0.49 Loiter Mode

  • Just took off for the first time. After some PID tweaking my hexa flight nice and smooth, I never flew any other version to compare, though

    My problem is that the yaw is definetely not controllable on my radio. I have a deadband which takes almost 70% of the movement of the stick and as soon as I exit the dead band, the yaw movement gets really fast. I read in the git repository that APM Mission Planner 1.0.87 would allow tweaking on the deadband of each channel too but I can't find the parameter... Am I missing something? How can I change this?

    One more thing: anyone knows why the test->compass command in CLI has disappeared?

  • Quad seems to be "bullet proof" with Jasons 2.049 firmware.

    Have a look to the pic. Even with such a prop it was possible to land the quad in one piece.


    What happens? My first flight with fw 2,049. Was flying in simple mode (ch #7), The quad act like a formula one, very funny. In my opinion also ALT_HOLD was great. The i tried AUTO mode with just RTL and LAND as mission.The quad gets crazy and touching a tree, which was "jumping" into the flight path. Af

    ter aborting the mission and back in SIMPLE mode the quad or me or both lost orientation. However i could land the quad with no further damage.

    Weather is good and i have a spare prop.




  • How would i go about making the quad less roll responsive? I've built a custom frame, m2m 457mm, a lot shorter than the 600mm of the Arducopterframe, but much lighter. The Arducopter could not manage the extra weight of a camera, so i designed my own.(will be doing a full blog on the build and share files). There is no woble while flying but it refuses to stay in one place, it keeps flying around. And is really sensitive.

    Where should i start to try and make it stay in one place?

  • Jason, is there any way to change Rate P settings wthout manually upload firmware using Arduino (in version 2.0.49)? 

    Mine is working almost fine and i just need some tweeks, i don't want to upload firmware again.

    Question 2: i saw in wiki that i must run command "tune X" to enale tuning with channel 6 of my radio. This command should be done while in command mode (switch), not in flight mode. Also, i don't have telemetry. After this command, the system will stay using channel 6 for tuning parameter X that i chose? Even after power off / power on the board? Also, i saw that after flight, i must connect to see what's the best setting....but how do i do this?? Lokking for logs? Or just leave my knob at 'perfect' tuning and look for current value on CLI?

    Question 3: Can i use expo on my radio (throtle only)?? After calibrating everything, of corse. I'm new with multicopters and never flow helis, but i read somewhere that expo makes my flight easy, with less sensitive throtle.



  • I wonder if it would be possible for someone involved in the Arducopter RTL demo video to post the 2.0.49  flight log from this please?  This video shows the Arducopter using alt hold and RTL while the radio transmitter is on the ground and no manual correction required.  This would be very handy for those of us trying to get the same level of stability using 2.0.49 on a standard build arducopter.    Sometimes it helps for debugging purposes to see the actually sensor and imu  plots for comparative purposes.  Also a dump file of the parameter settings would be appreciated as well.

  • Hi


    Yesterday while doing some wireless tests, using APM Planner 1.0.84 I was switching between modes Stabilize, AltHold, and loiter, when I switched to loiter although the motors were not armed suddenly the motors started to spin. Is it a bug

  • 100KM

    Tested a mission with 2.0.49 today and it went well until the second waypoint.  The copter seemed to have missed it and turned around, back to it, pretty aggressively.  It then started hunting the waypoint VERY aggresively and I aborted.  It went very smootly from waypoint 1 to 2 though and RTL is also very smooth.  It seemed like once it had missed its waypoint, all restrictions were off and it could go crazy :-)

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