"Ciao Daniele,
dipende molto dalla tua ricevente. Tipicamente le riceventi hanno un failsafe integrato che si comporta in diversi modi. La mia (Hobbyking radio t6a o qualcosa del genere) tiene i comandi originali ma porta il throttle a 900 ms (valore…"
"Le normali EPP sono di plasticaccia e non è impossibile che si spezzino in volo da sole (senza impatti con niente). Le APC in materiale composito sono più pesanti (quindi con più inerzia ai cambi di velocità) ma molto resistenti. Quelle in carbonio…"
Ciao a tutti,ma solo a me la APM (2.5) risponde a rilento quando collego la telemetria? E' come se l'input del telecomando venisse campionato poche volte al secondo ed avesse effetto con un ritardo di circa un secondo. Se stacco il trasmettitore per…
"How about adding the option of flipping the screen?
For saving money I bought a car rear view camera. This camera performs a stupid mirroring of the image so that if you look at the display in a car it looks like you're looking to a mirror. Luckyly…"
"I just realize that failsafe_off_event() has been changed and doesn't restore the previous flight mode when radio contact is restored but allows user to override pitch, roll, etc. This got confusing 'cos I thought of being in stabilize mode while i…"
"I did more test and happen to find the problem again (although rarely). I usually wait 20 seconds more after getting the gps fix in order to be safer and usually works but RTL is the safety related mode and should be fully trustable.
Anyway, if it's…"
"2.7.4 beta is flying awesome so far. I tried Alt holt, loiter and RTL with success but is it normal that changing flight mode takes around one second? I don't like this behavior as changing back to stabilize must be fast if an auto mode is getting…"
"I actually do have the same problem in 2.7.3.
I have to say I didn't test RTL too much. Just 4/5 times. The first time it was ok. Landing point was shifted by 10 to 20 meters but behavior was fine. The other times it was just flying crazy fast in…"
"Can anyone give me tips on this:
I have a Y6 set up and running 2.7.3 fine (on my hand) but when I apply some yaw, half of the motor slow down without changes to the other half which causes a great loss of lift. Don't know how it will behave if I…"
"I'm facing a similar problem. My motors flickers every few seconds. They run normally then slow down for some milliseconds and back up. I have no clue... it could be ESC desynchronizing or something similar.
I gave a bit of throttle and held the…"
"Hello, I'm finally back on track with a new multicopter and I'm happy to see that the project moved a lot further since the old versions I was used to use but I notices a first problem. When I used arducopter it was 2.0.50 version and I had a…"
I implemented a couple of months ago the stability patch for Y6 that is missing since long but I still don't see it implemented in 2.6 epsilon. Anyone can test it and include it to the public release, please? My Y6 will be ready soon and I…"
Ciao a tutti, ho un quadricottero usato da vendere (per passaggio a Y6 o X8) qualcuno sa consigliarmi siti o forum dove è possibile postare annunci?Nel frattempo se nessuno la prende male vi butto qua specifiche e foto, non si sa mai che qualcuno di…
"Ciao Enrico,
provo a rispondere ad alcuni dei tuoi quesiti.
Innanzitutto bello il frame rosso brillante, apprezzo!
Per quanto riguarda il senso di rotazione è indifferente. Puoi configurarlo sia invertendolo a software (programmando l'ESC) o…"