
Arducopter 2.0.50

Arducopter 50 is our first fully Software in the Loop tested version. Special thanks to Tridge for developing the test suite!


Here is a quick video of the testing in action:



You can see the copter takes off, flies a simple square in manual and records the square with CH7 toggles at each corner. It then loiters and switches to AUTO to fly the recored WPs.

Once that's done it lands and loads a mission via mavlink. The mission is intended to test all commands including conditional commands and the jump command. The last two commands are RTL and land.


What else else is new:

More aggressive Alt hold control - You can now achieve rapid ascents & descents in alt hold. The throttle acts like a large dead zone with the upper and lower 20% being a proportional control. Adjusting the throttle resets the new target altitude.


Added the ability to log arbitrary data for better debugging.


Recording WP in normal flight with Channel 7. This is a great way to get WPs recorded in the field. Just toggle ch7 High for 1 sec and it will save the WP to memory building a WP list on the fly. Switching to AUTO mode will fly the WPs. Rebooting will allow you to start over on a new mission.


Added separate Acro PIs for people to tune Acro mode.


Z dampening - Alt hold now has an optional Z accelerometer dampening system. You need to compile it yourself to test. I'm eager to hear user's feedback on this so we can make it on by default. You can enable it in APM_Config.h by changing the '0' to a '1' like this "#define ACCEL_ALT_HOLD 1"


Y6 now has top and bottom missing ratio enabled. It's 1.0 for the top by default, but many users set it to 0.9.

Crosstrack correction is now enabled for WP navigation. Thanks to the SIL, we could test this properly. This makes the copter hold a very tight line to the next WP. The default gain is 4.0.


RTL now defaults to return at the current altitude.


Improved Circle mode performance.


Changed the Mission scripting execution order to be more intuitive. Conditional commands now execute after navigation commands are complete, not just loaded.

Various mission scripting bug fixes.


Removed some tests in the CLI for memory savings to fit the 1280.


Added precautionary safety preventing the user from entering flight modes that require GPS lock. If home has not been set you will get a stabilize mode instead of Loiter, or Auto, etc.


There were also many small bug fixes and code cleanups performed - too many to list.


If no one has any major issues, I'm going to call this the final stable release!


What's next in version 2.1 (target release early January):

- complete Mavlink 1.0 upgrade, ensure better Mission planner support.

- exploration of learning algorithms for auto-tuning.

- sensor/register level software simulation for testing more code.

- expanded test suite with more scripted scenarios

- secret cool stuff regarding the DCM

- ideas?


If you run into any issues, please post them to the issues list.







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  • Those graphs below show both arduplane and arducopter ALTITUDE data when they are both on the ground.

    ACM 2.0.55   Alt graph amplitude of 10 meters errore


    Ardupilot V2.26  amplitude of 1 meter error


    What causes this differences (10 times more)?  GPS? 

  • hi guys, any one have any clue as to why my esc/motors are beeping like crazy after a firmware update .55 ?

  • Ok now start from scratch to do full setup. Just a question on 8 channel receiver. Do I need to have the 8 channel wire connected to the APM for transmitter calibration or leave it off even if its not to be used? It seems that this is some how bringing up the error "Missing RC rev param" message with or without it connected.

  • I am trying to set the ALT HOLD of my tricopter for the last two weeks without any success.

    No meter what PI i set, nothing seems to help.

    I cant find any rules, it seem that every thing is random there, i put high value and lower values on both ALT_hold P I

    And Throttle_Rate P I, and i cant find any setting and i have tried it all.

    Now with 55 version i tried to download the log and there is nothing.

    Sorry but i feel like smashing the machine.

    I want to cry :(

  • Hi Jason,

    I just upgrade the Mission Planner to 1.0.99 and the ArduCopter to 2.0.55.

    In the setup page (SETUP>BATTERY), we can only edit the Monitor and Capacity.

    Do we need to upgrade the APM_config.h to have the right Voltage, adding the #define VOLT_DIV_RATIO xx.x ?

    I’ve selected the Monitor 4 on the SETUP>BATTERY and the % we have in the Flight Data page is confused… it is always decreasing independent the battery value… do you know what is missing?







    Thank you in advance.


  • I see 2.0.55 is out. Has the problem with not being able to reset the board been fixed? I could install 2.0.54 but when I went to MP to reset it would hang the APM so that I had to go back to .50

    I'm hoping .55 will solve my problem to not be able to use GPS in the air.

  • 3D Robotics

    Robert: What version of the MP are you using? If you need another way to load the software, you can always use Arduino to load the latest code, which can always be found here

  • Hi to everyone,
    I need to fly tomorrow using the stabilize mode but i'm worried about the APM freeze. I've the FW 2.50 loaded with GPS and magnetometer activated. To limit/avoid the possibility to freeze the APM I'd like to disable the magnetomter and GPS.
    What do you think about?
    I'd like doesn't crash my hexa
    Have the best,

    I'd like doesn't crash my hexa. :-)

    Have the best,


  • I was trying to change the throttle trim and CH 3 trim, with no results.

    I would like the motors to be on idle RPM when they are armed, for 3 reasons

    1. so ill know its armed

    2. its better not to be with no rpm at all in the air (i have tried it,DO NOT TRY IT!!!).

    3. i cant remember the 3rd.

    How can i do it?

  • Jason sorry to double post but I think my reply a few pages back will get lost.

    I'm still not able to make any mode changes while flying. Only on the ground will it change modes.

This reply was deleted.
