
ArduCopter 2.5 released!

Version 2.5 of the ArduCopter code is now available in the AP Mission Planner and in the downloads area!



  1. The first ArduCopter code release optimized for the APM 2.  Leans and drift should be much reduced or even eliminated for most users.  This was accomplished through a number of core improvements to the DCM implementation by Tridge like this one and this one.
  2. Loiter and waypoint following should be improved due to a D term bug fix, some tuning and the improved DCM performance mentioned above.
  3. On start-up, the yaw heading is updated with first successful mag read (so you should no longer see the slow rotation from north to your actual heading).
  4. Increased output rate to ESCs to 490hz.  This update rate is also user selectable using the new RC_SPEED parameter.
  5. hexa copter stability patch bug fix (should resolve slight flattening when pitching forward and accelerating very rapidly).
  6. improved baro filtering
  7. fix to dataflash logging of Mag heading
  8. addition of H1 swash plate type and bug fix for proactive yaw compensation for collective pitch changes for TradHelis.



The default PIDs are optimized for a 3DR/Jdrones quad with 850 motors and 10" props. If you're using more powerful motors/props, start by turning down Rate Roll P in 25% steps.

While some testers have reported very good flights with the default PIDs, some have reported that this release is a little "sharper" due to the DCM improvements and have found they needed to:

     reduce stabilize P by 10% (i.e. 4.5 -> 4.2)

     reduce stabilize D by 30% (i.e. 0.15 -> 0.10)

     increase rate D from 0 to 0.001

Tuning loiter can be tricky.  Refer to the discussions which will appear below for more community feedback on what parameters work best.


Please post your feedback in this discussion.  For enhancement requests  and bug report, please add them to the arducopter issues list.  When possible please include logs (tlog and/or dataflash) and tell us whether you're using APM1 or APM2 and what version of the software you're using (presumably 2.5 but tell us anyway!).


Thanks for this release go to the developers (both in the core team but also those who have provided bug fixes through the issues list) and also the community members who participated in the previous release thread and provided some great detailed information in the form of issue reports and logs which allowed us to nail some bugs!


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  • Testing 2.5 today with my APM1 ATMega 2560 on the JDrones Quad frame w/ 880kv's and 12x45 props. I downloaded the latest MP and uploaded the 2.5 code this morning though the MP.  

    The quad flies great! I got my Roll/Pitch PIDS tuned down a bit (P: 3.4, I 0.1, Imax 40, Stab D 0.1) and it really solid. Even in some pretty stiff cross wind. I ran a few batteries through flying around in Stabilize and in Simple Mode. 

    My issue is when I switched to Alt. Hold (in a stable hover) I basically dropped out of the sky. This happened twice (over grass).  I managed to break a couple landing gear but what can you do...  Testing with the quad in my hand I see that as soon as I switch to Alt. Hold or Loiter, RTL etc. the throttle cuts way back. Seems to still respond when I pitch/roll it but not very powerfully.  

    I have a sonar - I can recreate this with and without the sonar configured. Same thing.  The sonar and baro values look normal in the tuning window (both on USB and with Xbee).  I had no issue in the prior 2.4.1/2.  I tried playing around with the Throttle and Alt. Hold PIDs but didn't notice any change. Feels like there could just be setting in the MP that got changed or could it be PIDs? Does anyone have any advice on debugging this?

    Thanks to the Dev Team for the new code! 

  • I have had a problem with Mission Planner for a while now that the main window doesn't open up but it opens in minimize to the tool bar. The terminal window opens ok, but not the main window. Even if I click on it, it wont open . I have to hold the cursor on the top of the popup image from the tool bar right click and select maximize to get it to open. This happens on all my three computers running Win7.Now on one of them I cant open it at all. When I right click it just closes. There is obviously an issue with Mission Planner and Win7. Can someone please take a look?

  • HI Guys

    I have a DIYdrones hexa with the 850Kv motors.  I just upgraded to MP 1.1.53 and loaded my APM1 with version AC2.5.  Now the APM can no longer connect with the mission planner in any way other than "Firmware" and "Terminal". Directly connecting using the "Flight Data' tab and clicking Connect is not working at all (lots of "bad CRC" errors in Mavlink). I can get connected by first going to the terminal tab, getting the prompt then clicking the Flight Data tab and clicking Connect. However although the connection appears successful no data is actually displayed.. All works OK (or so it seems) using MP 1.1.48.

    Anyone having this issue??? Is there a fix.??


    Thanks ---- TOM


  • Had six flights with 2.5 from git on a standard 3DR with 850kV motors and APM1. Stabilize mode was fine without any work. Loiter was a bit harder. At the start it would move move in ever larger circles around the initial point, increasing the pitch and roll angles towards the center as the circles got bigger. I then started bringing down the loiter gains and it calmed down - I can`t say it was great, but it did hang around the initial point.  Probably can't do any more until next weekend, and want to read up on the relationship between the basic Loiter gains and the LOITER_LAT/ LOITER_LON gains before any more tuning.3692375982?profile=original

  • I tried 2.5 today outdoor. Config Hexa X, Turnigy SK3 2826 1120kV motors, 8" props, 1.5kg AUW

    (megapirate 2.5r2, flyduino mega, not original APM)

    It took a lot of tuning and again different PIDs from 2.4.2 for some reason and I could not achieve "ninja" settings, quite the opposite in fact. I had to tune my Rate P's down to 0.30 or it would wobble (after a while). Rate I has to be zero or it would sometimes go crazy and stop responding (while it fights itself/myself/whatever goes in its head, looks like it's drunk). With Rate D > 0.002 it was twitching, with lower value it was not snapping to place but was very slow to level after a correction...

    The strange thing is, it behaved well one moment and went mad when disturbed by wind  (not much!) - at one moment it even tilted itself almost 90 degrees, wobbled (ping pong), then levelled and all was well again. It did this many times, mostly during descent.

    Another issue is yaw - yaw left was fine, yaw right was not good at all - I had to tune both Rate Yaw and Stab Yaw way up to achieve a good response to the right - sometimes I had to hold it in there for good 10 seconds before it started rotating. Also when maneuvering (or correcting) it yawed by itself - left.

    It is not a hardware problem, but still the same issue that's been present for a while now, and I know I'm not alone - something's not right there for some of us. 

    Also tried Loiter for a while - looked good, then flew away fast and couldn't be stopped by stick input - I had to put it back to Stabilise and fly back.

    For me, 2.4.2 was way better. YMMV.

    Edit: no logs, worthless, I know...

  • Distributor




    That is all I can say for now... this version is super stable, no drift, no strange things... (well maybe some... :) ) 

    First impression are really great, this thing is rock solid, stable and all.  I did ran out of juice battery so I did not get to enjoy it as much as I would have like. Batteries are charging now and I will be out soon to play more. 

    Yes I said play! it's no more difficult, not risky (at least for now, no bugs = good news) 

    I really enjoyed it! 

    In my small backyard, some side wind, not much, sunny and all! wow! 

    Here is the "problem" after some flights the Quad developed the "Yo-Yo" effect... you can see that my throttle was somewhat stable but the Quad was going up and down... 


    This is a brand new X1 frame that I've put together for the occasion so yes it was the maiden flight! 

    here is my config, 

    850Kv jDrones super sexy black motors

    10X45 props

    20A jDrones ESC

    X1 frame (did I say fold able for storage? hehe) 

    3300mah Nano-Tech Battery

    Weight 1.170 kg 

    Only changes to the PID were for the TRIM_THROTTLE to 475 as otherwise the default was making the quad fall down. (guys please make sure to increase this value as your Loiter will bring down the Quad!) 

    Turnigy X9  radio (with some mods....) 

    - No sonar... nothing else... almost "Straight out of the box" ! 



    And this is the video: sorry for the poor quality and zoom... iPhone taped on the patio door! :)

    Attache is the complete log of that session... if someone wants to have a look at my YO-YO effect... I did not ruled out yet the low voltage on battery... maybe it was just that... will post back when I fly with fresh batteries (yes more than half one this time!) 

    I want to say thanks again to all involved, from devs to testers! This is a great milestone release, let's see where we go from here. 


    2012-03-18 02-12 1.log

  • tlog file...


    2012-03-18 05-58-17.tlog

  • Just crashed my large Tri-Copter....AMP2...2.5..

    In Stab... Flying forward... Pulled back hard and the Tri went noze up 90 deg...  This has happend before many months ago and many versions ago... though it was gone... 

    Loiter did not work so well either... Alt hold (baro) is really good ... plus or minus a few feet...

    In the Graph below I am faily sure these lines shoud not diverge !!


    screen cap2.jpg

    2012-03-18 05-44 96.log

  • Moderator

    Tried out onboard video with v2.5 after having sorted out vibration insulation problems for the camera.

  • Hi Guys

    Well just loaded 2.5 and had quick test flight in the last fading light of day, and on the last fading power in my battery - and can only say WOW. The difference is obvious. I am flying an APM2 Quad, 3DR frame 880 KV motors 12 x 45 props. Rate Roll/Pitch P at 0.095 and Throttle rate  0.35 as on previous version. 

    Very new to this, only completed quad last week and this is my first R/C flying too, and would just like to add that I am very happy with APM2 in general. Despite my inexperience I have not yet broken a prop or anything else and the Quad has been pretty much flyable from completion. I have a drift issue but I believe it's a leveling / vibration issue and not due to the controller. This version will make it much easier to sort out I'm sure. 



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