
ArduCopter 2.7 Released!


In just a short while, ArduCopter 2.7 will become available for download in Mission Planner. As we worked on ArduCopter 2.6.1, we saw that it had several new and compelling features (as well as many bug fixes and improvement) so it was decided to make this a major version release. 

A full list of changes is here, but they include:


New and Improved:

  • NEW: 3-axis camera stabilization
  • NEW: AP_Limits library: Altitude limits and geofencing.
  • NEW: Automatic Flip (Roll axis) is now enabled on Channel 
  • NEW: GPS lag estimator
  • NEW: the quad first rise vertically to the "ALT_HOLD_RTL" altitude (if declared) when engage RTL
  • Better altitude control in ALT_HOLD and better altitude transitions
  • Better loiter, rtl and auto missions, especially with the new 3DR uBlox GPS. Check out my video above!
  • Better yaw control
  • Better DCM implementation, resulting in noticeably smoother flight
  • Better velocity control in Auto missions
  • Etc


  • Fix to dataflash erasing, which should resolve an issue some users were having
  • Fix some MAVLink commands
  • Fix Circle command
  • Fix some units
  • Etc


No more 1280 support (out of program space)
Know issue:
- throttle stick during loiter need better rpm range


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  • Here are params that I used with this flight


  • I'm back from field - tested a bit v2.7.

    Saw here people having problems with motors. I must say have the same issue - motors speed oscillate (better vibrate) without my intervention.

    Motors running is not smooth at all. Never had such observation with previous versions.

    Next issue - I have tricopter so this is perhaps related only to this frame type:

    when landed down and want to disarm motors tail servo traveled quickly to its limit position and stayed there (according to rudder stick position when disarming motors). Motors were disarmed, but the servo stayed in its limit position. Tail servo is on 7th channel so I wonder what would happen with octocopter when disarming motors...

    Next issue:

    in loiter mode tri is wobbling vertically a lot (+ - 2 meters). I know I don't have sonar but this wobbling I didn't notice with v2.6 and even earlier versions( I mean not that swift wobbling). On previous version wobbling was there (on v2.6 only minimal) but with 2.7 the wobbling was like jumping on the rubber strip (of course not that periodic).

    General my feeling is not good and reverting back to 2.6.

    I'm bit sad because I was soooo happy when 2.6 came and thought 2.7 will be at least that good for me as 2.6.

    If somebody interested I have also log from the last flight.

    2012-07-30 17-22 1.log

  • Hello everybody,

    This week i wanted to try the new ArduCopter 2.7 so i installed it with apm, i re-calibrated the ESCs, Radio and sensors.

    I armed the ESCs and when i wanted to fly, only 3 motors were operating on 6. They react very badly. the others work intermittently...

    I don't understand why, The 2.6 worked perfectly.

    Could you help me please ?

  • Chris, 2.7 seemed much more plugged in than 2.6 but after a few seconds of flying All the motors lost power for a moment and then they Y6 went completely crazy I really cant believe that I was able to get it on the ground both times with very minor damage. After the first episode I relocated all the transmitters and powered it thought separate battery and bec rather than the ESC as with the first time it happened. 

  • A HUGE thank you to the dev team for the updates in this version..

    I have a month old 3DR hexa frame in + mode, and just upgraded from APM1 to 2, along with using optical flow, and sonar in the last couple of days, and had the first flights with the new combo over the last two days..

    First flight in stable w/no wind was perfect - set throttle about a third up to keep it in perfect hover about 4 feet off the ground. Alt hold was also dead on with the sonar, and all was well..

    Only issue I'm seeing (and no idea if a motor/prop issue, or a tuning issue) is that Yaw was acting a bit odd..

    The copter would slowly drift off its' heading, both cw and ccw slowly at times - correcting with stick input to yaw cw would respond, and when let go of the stick, it would correct by reversing yaw slightly to compensate for the end drift..

    When correcting by turning yaw ccw, when letting go of the stick, it's sluggish to stop, like stopping a boat in water.. It stops rotating ccw, but slower than cw - and it doesn't correct back to the heading I let go of the stick at..

    Second flight today was with a light wind ~5mph.. Strange revving of motors when taking off in stable. Took off yesterday with almost half throttle - today, past half throttle made the copter hop with motors revving in harmony up and down.. Happened 2-3 times when taking off, but was stable flying and responded well to controls in wind - still with yaw issue.

    Tonight, dead calm outside, and all seemed well minus same yaw issue - climbed slowly to 230 feet and slowly down, wonderfully stable - Alt hold with sonar was kept the frame in a tight 5-10cm box in calm. A beautiful sight..

    So other than the strange yaw issue that didn't appear to happen with the old APM1 board (so signs point to needing to tune PID's) 2.7 is awesome..

    Again a huge thank you to the people that put the improvements in place, and work their butt off to get this code out quickly..


  • <iframe width="475" height="267" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I have had this happen twice with this ardupilot both with 2.6 and 2.7


  • Hi Marco,

    I enjoyed watching your quad doing the 'autorotation' in the last part of your video. How high was your RATE P set to achieve this? I tried it with the stock settings 0.18 up to 0.19. But it always wobble on the way down. And at 0.19 it was already quivering in normal stabilise flight.

    I also feel that the rate of climb during a RTL initiation to the RTL altitude is a little too fast. Is there a parameter to slow this down? Also can we put in a delay timing from the time that the RTL switch is flicked to the start
    Of the climb?

    A lot being said, I would like to says thanks to all who have worked on this project so hard to let us enjoy the Arducopter. Three cheers to you!
  • Hi marco
    i have a problem with the motor...when i arm the motors and give it some throttle it starts spin but one of the motors going to decreased and finally stops,also i heard some strange noise from it...
    whats the problem?

  • Moderator

    Why two v2.7 threads? One blog here

    and one forum thread here:

    Please depreciate or delete one as they're both active.


    Had a few more flights today with APM2/V2.7/X525 frame in very low wind conditions and have a couple minor issues: there's a wobble in Loiter that's not apparent in Stabilize, my Stabilize is very, very smooth (Rate_P = 180, Rate_I = 100 and Rate_D = 9) but switching to Loiter causes a nervousness that I haven't seen before on previous versions.

    Second, very occasionally things get out of shape quite badly. Eg. I left the motors running very slightly once (so as not to have to re-arm as the auto dis-arm is very short) while I did an adjustment to the params and when I took off again (sticks level) the quad lurched in one direction very badly, nearly tipping over, I throttled down completely and tried again. It then took off perfectly as if nothing had happened and flew 100% for the rest of the battery.


    On another flight I placed the quad down, connected the battery, waited, armed it and took off and the quad leaned and yawed unexpectedly and aggressively before righting itself and settling down (it wasn't a leg getting hooked or something like that) and the quad hadn't been moved since power-up. I'm going to go through logs to see if I can find anything odd but these are a few slightly odd behaviours that I've noticed.

  • 2.7 code test. with 3.5 P STAB. i tuned value to 4 after this video,and more stables. i like the YAW improvement , solid. not bounce back. YAW value is default.

    i like the YAW improvement. make me confident to do FPV for quad.

    thanks to Arducopter Team

This reply was deleted.


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