Arducopter 2.9 for TradHeli Discussion

I am opening this topic to serve as the go-to place for talking about the upcoming 2.9 software release for Trad Helis.  I think this will be necessary as 2.9 will have SIGNIFICANT changes in the way that the helis fly, and also in the settings you will use.

Yesterday, I flew 4 packs of "2.9 - rc2" from the downloads section on my 450 heli.  The file is located here:

I would be interested in having some other people try some test flying with this.  I'll have to walk you through the setup, as it requires a bit of work to get a flying parameter setting using the rate controllers which are now active.  You CANNOT fly using the old parameters for Stabilize PID.  Don't even try it.  Also, the Alt_Hold parameters will have significantly changed.

This is slightly complicated by the fact that we have some new Heli-specific Rate PID parameters called "Rate_Pitch_FF", also for Roll and Yaw.  Unfortunately these are only accessible in MP from the Advanced Parameters List.  Hopefully I can get that fixed.  What I'd like to do is for TradHeli, in MP, remove the Rate_Pitch_D, in the Config PID screen, and replace it with Rate_Pitch_FF.  This is because I have found the D-term to be completely unusable anyway.  The FF is feed-forward.  This was what I found was the key to getting the heli to be able to fly in rate mode.  Basically, it is like P-term, but has no error correction.  It's sort of like this:

P-output = P-term x (Rate Input - Current Rate)

FF-output = FF-term x Rate Input

then you also have the I-term output.  So the total servo command is:

Servo-output = P-output + I-output + FF-output

I have also implemented the FF on the yaw controller, and found that it actually helps to stop the slight "tail wag" that we always had.  

There are also some new settings for the collective.  These are Stab_Col_Min and Stab_Col_Max.  What these are for is sort of like Idle-up pitch curves.  You can now set up your swash plate with full negative pitch, maybe a range of -10° to +10°, or +/-12°, but when flying in Stabilize mode, you can set Stab_Col_Min to reduce the amount of negative pitch available to something like -3° or whatever you prefer.  This gives a nice soft feel.  However, in Acro mode, you will get the full range, and also the auto-pilot modes get the full range.  For example, I set my Col_Min and Col_Max to give me +/-10°, and then I set Stab_Col_Min to 40, which is 40%, and this changes the negative pitch to only -2° in Stab mode.

The only thing to know here is that when you change modes between Acro and Stab, the swash-plate will jump up and down, so you have to be ready for it.  It's no different than using Idle-up in your Tx.

My test flights yesterday went quite well.  The Alt_Hold now works beautifully, and I actually prefer landing in Alt_Hold rather than Stabilize!  I also did a few flips with it in Acro mode (very ugly, I'm not good at this) using full negative collective when upsidedown, and it worked well.  It didn't seem to get confused.  Finally, I tried going into Acro, rolling it over upside-down or sideways, then back to Stabilize, and it flipped right way up which is good.

The only problem I have seen so far is that when flying in Alt_Hold, if you push the cyclic full forward and get up a high speed, the altitude starts to oscillate badly.  I suspect this is a classic "phugoid", or pitch/throttle oscillation.  We'll have to work on this. However it seems to fly well up to about 1/2 Vmax.  

I'll try to post my Parameter file here tonight, but I caution that the settings will be HIGHLY dependent on your servo speed, as well as many other setup differences.

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  • Here my parameters from my last loiter attempt.

    I downloaded 2.9.1 with MP, so it should be the right thing...

    T-Rex450 AMP2 FB les 2.9 -26-1-2013 ACC.param
  • Here my logs from my last loiter attempt.

    2013-02-03 20-24-12 loiter.tlog
  • Uh, Manfred, I don't know how you're flying 2.9.1 as it is.  It's got this 2Hz filter on the pitch/roll action.  I just did a test flight with it changed to 5Hz, and that didn't feel very good.  I can't imagine how bad 2Hz is.

    I have made some progress on allowing a full I-term instead of a leaky I-term in flight.

  • Manfred,

    Out of  interest what is your axis_enabled set to 0 or 1 if 1 could you try loiter with is set to 0 and yaw 360 deg, give us some feedback on your thoughts




  • Developer

    2.9.1 is now available in the mission planner and in the downloads area.  Very very similar to -rc1 and -rc2.  Full list of changes is below:

    1. bug fix to throttle failsafe which could lead to Return-to-launch being initiated even if there had been no radio failure.
    2. capture level roll and pitch trims as part of accel calibration
    3. THR_MID parameter added to allow users to adjust the manual throttle so that vehicle hovers at about mid stick
    4. ESC calibration change to support Simonk flashed ESCs (not important for trad helis of course!)
    5. bug fix for autotrim - roll axis was backwards
    6. bug fix to set sonar_alt_health to zero when sonar is disabled
    7. bug fix for longitude scaling
  • Developer

    2.9.1-rc1 (release candidate #1) is now in the downloads area.

    Improvements over 2.9:

    1) important bug fix related to false positive on ppm decoder that could lead to sudden RTL even if there has been no radio failure (only possible if throttle failsafe was enabled - it's disabled by default).
    2) THR_MID parameter added to allow users to adjust the manual throttle so that vehicle hovers at about mid stick
    3) bug fix for autotrim - roll axis was backwards
    4) bug fix to set sonar_alt_health to zero when sonar is disabled
    5) capture level roll and pitch trims as part of accel calibration

    By the way - I don't think heli users should mess with the THR_MID parameter.  There's already tons of scaling of the collective on the tradheli so best just leave it at 500.

  • Just wanted to give a quick update on my 600 FB aerial rig.  I played around with RATE_PIT_FF and RATE_RLL_FF yesterday and it resulted in the smoothest and most stable flight I've ever had with the APM 2.5 installed!  Lots of power and great pilot control authority too, I was circling around myself at an estimated 50km/h with 1kg camera payload no problem.  Manfred, I stole your yaw settings muhuhahaha!  Definitely made the tail hold better.  I also decreased H_COLYAW from 10 to 5, and that seemed to help as well.  From here I will experiment with increasing the FF pitch and roll rates, and decreasing STB_PIT_P and STB_RLL_P in conjunction.

    Here are the parameters I fiddled with:

    H_COLYAW 5
    RATE_YAW_D 0.004
    RATE_YAW_FF 0.05
    RATE_YAW_I 0.15
    RATE_YAW_IMAX 2000
    RATE_YAW_P 0.38
    RATE_PIT_FF 0.15
    RATE_PIT_P 0.045
    RATE_RLL_FF 0.15
    RATE_RLL_P 0.045
    STB_PIT_P 3.8
    STB_RLL_P 3.8



  • So I re-skimmed all 32 pages and didn't see an answer, so I'm going to ask.  Running 500 flybar less, with ESC controlled governor mode.  Stabilize flies OK, vibrations seem to be within limits (picture one), but when I switch to loiter the heli violently bobs up and down (see Z accel in picture two)  THR_ACC_ENABLE is = 1.  What did I screw up?


    3692604796?profile=originalUnrelated question: do I increase rate yaw P to stop tail drift?


  • I flew a mission with only 2 waypoints, straight out, then 90 degr to the left and then RTL.

    At the 90degr. turn the heli hurtled about 20m of track, the same when he turned around for returning home.


    After the not so great mission I checked yawing while in Loiter. If I didn’t touch the controls the loiter was perfect, but as soon I yawed only about 90degr, the heli hurtled off like on the mission, to stabilize again, for a great loiter but at a different position.


    Then back on the table, I realized an odd thing.

    I’m in stab,mode, and if I move the pitch forward and backward, the Yaw moves left and right, like this 2 are mixed together. Then the same happens if I Yaw left or right, the swash pitches back and forward.

    I checked this on my 450 and 600 heli and at a friend’s 450 heli, all running 2.9, everywhere the same, more or less obvious.  It looks like a kind of compensation between yaw and pitch, but I can’t make any sense out of it.

    I think this causes this unwanted reactions at Loiter and Mission flying when yawing.  

    The mission flying with 2.7.3 was in that respect much better.


  • Robert:

    I had a bit of an issue yesterday where I lost some control of my heli because it was a little windy and I did not have enough control over the swash (not enough swash movement to fight the wind and my heli went off in the wind direction). Fortunately I managed to land the heli without tipping over; I am very lucky that there was no damage.  What is the best way to increase swash movement (roll and pitch) without messing around with the stabilization settings?  I tried increasing both RATE_PIT_P and RATE_RLL_P from 0.0450 to 0.1000, but now my P is too high and although I have more swash movement now, it has introduced a lot of wobbling.  The heli was very stable before, ideally I would just like to add more pilot swash authority without affecting the P gains very much.



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