
ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing

Warning #1: PX4/Pixhawk users upgrading from AC3.1.5 (or earlier) may need to re-do their compass and accelerometer calibration because AC3.2 also uses the backup compass and accels.  Pre-arm checks have been added to ensure this has been done.

Warning #2: on the APM2.x the logs must be downloaded using MAVlink instead of the terminal.

AC3.2-rc14 is now available for BetaTesters through the mission planner’s Beta Firmwares link.  The full release notes can be found in ReleaseNotes.txt and changes from -rc13 can be seen below.

     Feel free to raise issues found during testing on this discussion or in the new support section in the APM Forum.

     It’s a big release with “the onion” restructure and a bunch of new features (including these 57 closed items) so we need to re-test almost everything including all flight modes, all mission commands and all the new features.  Marco and I will be maintaining (and adding to) this testing list.  Issues reported will first be checked by Jonathan, Marco and I and then confirmed bugs/issues will be put on the github issues list (and then hopefully fixed).

     Thanks especially to the beta testers who put their copters at risk testing each release.  Enjoy!

Changes from 3.2-rc13
1) Safety Features:
     a) fail to arm if second gyro calibration fails (can be disabled with ARMING_CHECK)
2) Bug fixes:
    a) DCM-check to require one continuous second of bad heading before triggering LAND
    b) I2C bug that could lead to Pixhawk freezing up if I2C bus is noisy
    c) reset DCM and EKF gyro bias estimates after gyro calibration (DCM heading could drift after takeoff due to sudden change in gyro values)
    d) use primary GPS for LED status (instead of always using first GPS)

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  • HI

    please to see log

    ac 3.2  stop motors in altitude hold mode when rc3 in 950 (rc3min = 1008)

    user error - throttle failsafe -disabled

    arducopter dont hold climb rate - full stop of motors
  • APM and rally points?


    Why are rally points for Pixhawk only? I have APM 2.5 in an aircraft and rally points work very nicely. Why airplane but not multirotor?




    • Developer


           We've run out of flash place on the APM1/APM2 so we cannot include all features at the same time on these boards.  Pixhawk has much more flash space so we can include all features on that board.  ArduPlane is also almost out of flash space I think but it's still slightly under the limit.

  • Auto Mode bug found. Has anyone else had this problem?

    • Developer


           Thanks for the report.  It's a known issue with AC3.2-rc2 but it's fixed in master so it'll go out with AC3.2-rc3.

  • Quote

    Permalink Reply by MICHAEL on June 3, 2014 at 7:01am

    Hi just installed v3.2 rc2 all went well but when i connect to the terminal so a can do a erase and clear 

    calibrating barometer appears and then a whole bunch of code keeps on going. How do i stop this so a can gain access the the commands to clear and erase like i always do after a new firmware install.

    Thanks for the help

    Does anyone have an explanation on how to erase and clear APM 2.5 with v3.2 rc2?

    • see note 11 on page one.

  • Just loaded 3.2 via mission planner onto my test quad with a PX4. Only test hovered inside but copter has become ultra twitchy. Anything that has to be change upon installation for a DJI 450 size quad frame?

    3.1 was perfect but I really want to try Hybrid mode as it looks mighty impressive!

    • Well.....that was scary! The copter dropped, sat on the carpet idling motors not responding, was about to try to get the battery unplugged and the went to full throttle and smashed into the ceiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      First time any of my Arducpter craft did anything like that!!! Luckily no injuries or major damage but be careful with this version on a PX4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Logs?

        I wonder if you had a GPS event indoors and it tried to RTL?

This reply was deleted.


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