
ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing

Warning #1: PX4/Pixhawk users upgrading from AC3.1.5 (or earlier) may need to re-do their compass and accelerometer calibration because AC3.2 also uses the backup compass and accels.  Pre-arm checks have been added to ensure this has been done.

Warning #2: on the APM2.x the logs must be downloaded using MAVlink instead of the terminal.

AC3.2-rc14 is now available for BetaTesters through the mission planner’s Beta Firmwares link.  The full release notes can be found in ReleaseNotes.txt and changes from -rc13 can be seen below.

     Feel free to raise issues found during testing on this discussion or in the new support section in the APM Forum.

     It’s a big release with “the onion” restructure and a bunch of new features (including these 57 closed items) so we need to re-test almost everything including all flight modes, all mission commands and all the new features.  Marco and I will be maintaining (and adding to) this testing list.  Issues reported will first be checked by Jonathan, Marco and I and then confirmed bugs/issues will be put on the github issues list (and then hopefully fixed).

     Thanks especially to the beta testers who put their copters at risk testing each release.  Enjoy!

Changes from 3.2-rc13
1) Safety Features:
     a) fail to arm if second gyro calibration fails (can be disabled with ARMING_CHECK)
2) Bug fixes:
    a) DCM-check to require one continuous second of bad heading before triggering LAND
    b) I2C bug that could lead to Pixhawk freezing up if I2C bus is noisy
    c) reset DCM and EKF gyro bias estimates after gyro calibration (DCM heading could drift after takeoff due to sudden change in gyro values)
    d) use primary GPS for LED status (instead of always using first GPS)

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            • Yes i meant althold and loiter mode. Has anyone tried to see if it affects the landing? Iv not quite got my hex ready to fly and i do not want to risk any damage to it. I was playing about with it and when the sonar goes below 20cm i get a varied reading from -300 to 300 dont know how that is? And how it will affect flying in althold on low altitudes or landing
  • Randy,

    I've attached a link to my dropbox account for you to review the rlog & tlog.  These logs I believe will provide the LEA-6H (GPS 1) and the MAX-M8Q (GPS2) data from the overnight bench testing.  I do not have the ability to pull this data as a static linear print out and was wondering if you do?  Like to share my findings with DIY folks so they can make an informed decision on which GPS to buy.  So far the NEO-7M is not that much better than the LEA-6H but I definetly see a markable improvement with the M8Q unit.  Anyway to post my data for all to review?


  • Hi Randy .. is it possible to add Auto and Simple modes to channel 6 ..? It only gives those options for channel 7 and 8 ..

    I have currently set channel 7 (camera trigger) channel 8 (Auto) it would be cool and easy if channel 6 was (Simple)

    Cheers Reuben

    • similar problem 

    • X2   I used to trick the pixhawk to think my channel 6 was channel 8 [ via the receiver wiring ] just for this reason. But now I have a s bus receiver and can't do that so I basically lost a mode. I only have a 7 ch radio My vote would be auto and RTL

      • Yes a lot of people would love this added ..

        I think adding the main modes would be fantastic 

        Auto, Simple, Trigger and RTL

        • I third this. I'd love ch6 to be fully optioned like ch 7 and 8. With the addition of a parachute another channel gets used up! I can't imagine this being a huge coding job. Randy, you have all kinds of time, don't you? LOL

        • +1! 

          Once you tune your ride, 6 is just wasted space. I would love to have 6 with the full range of options and tuning.

        • I think a new mode is in order after I blew all this money on this thing. The FTTBAGATMTRTL mode. aka Fly to the bank and get all the money then RTL.... mode 

      • This code would solve that problem, but I'm not sure why this commit stalled
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