Arducopter drifting on axis between motor 4 and 1

Hello DIY community,

I am a noob to ardupilot and quadrotors so please bear with me. I recently got my Arducopter kit, assembled it, got it connected and calibrated very smooth and nicely. I then performed a hand test and it worked nicely.

Then it was time to take off. When I throttle it and it lifts off the ground I see it immediately starts drifting in the direction between motors 4 and 1. I thought it must be a center of mass issue so I hung it from the center and balanced it a little. But the drift still does not go away. Do you'll have any ideas that would cause that?

Oh also I ran the motors command in CLI and found that my motors 3 and 4 are switched. That means when I pull the stick up, motor 4 spins and pull the stick down motor 3 spins. However 1 and 2 work perfectly. However I triple checked the wiring and it is plugged in right. Any ideas on that?



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  • Hello,

    I tried everything that you ll mentioned but it doesnt seem to be a level, vibration or trim issue. I do a hand test and it seems fine. Though I cannot judge too well, other than the fact that overall the quadrotor is trying to level. I performed auto-trim a bunch of times, but it stills starts translating as soon as it lifts off the ground. I also levelled it in configuration and on the ground (by disarming for 10s). After trying it all the quadrotor behaves like an aeroplane when it takes off rather a vertical lift.

    Any ideas on what else could be causing this problem? Could it be possible that my motors are not spinning at the same speed? (I calibrated the ESCs every time though). Whats a good way to check the PWMs the motors receive in real time? I have an Xbee mounted on-board.

    Will be grateful for your help!


  • Also, does anyone have an idea on why the motors 3 and 4 are switched in the motors test?

    I have checked the wiring multiple times and the motor 3 ESC is connected to the right of the red spot on the Power Board

  • Moderator

    never trim yaw

    use auto trim three or four times, saving (disarming) after each flight

  • Well I levelled it a couple of times.. My trim could be an issue since I have to keep adjusting my rudder trim to get my motors to arm (this is after calibrating the radio). I guess because I have a crappy radio set. But when I do a radio test in CLI I get 0's for my controls. 

    I do not observe any vibrations during lift off. However, is there a way I can verify thats not an issue.

    Lastly any ideas on the motors 3 and 4 switched during motors test?

  • If it is drifting against controls then it is likely a vibration, level, or trim issue.

    If your battery is low then it might FLIP your copter.

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