Arducopter HEXA with APM 2.5 tilts while taking off

Hello to you all,

I've got my two HEXAS recently and I'm trying to make them fly. When I bought them there was written that they are ready to fly!

I've plugged the power on and I've configured the controller (FrSky X9D) with the receiver (FrSky D8R-II).The next step has been to take off it in stabilized flight mode, so I've set the switch on X9D to go in stabilized mode, and after arming the drone I've started to increase the throttle value. As you can see in the following video it tilts on the red "arm" side and doesn't take off:


I've decided to calibrate the ESCs all at once, as described here

After the calibration I've also tested the motors and as you can see in the video below, the motor which is opposite the red "arm" of the frame spins slowler than the others:

I've tryied do make it fly by increasing only the throttle value again, it started to take off, but in the end it tilted, every thing is shown in the video bellow (the place was a little windy but I don't think it causes the tilt):

Could you help me please? I can't understand where I'm wrong.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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  • You're right everybody! I've not seen that the position of the props were wrong... After changing them the drones flys very very well!

    Thank you for your replys!

  • looking at the motors testing video, it's hard to see, but the fifth motor to spin up spins clockwise, which is correct, but it looks like it has a counter clockwise prop fitted(CCW). 

  • Props upside down? The text on the props has to be on top, i.e possbile to read when looking down at the copter.

  • T3
    You can try moving the wires around to see if the motors the problem or ESC. It won't fly with different wiring, but you can test motor spin. Another test is to spin the motors and use the stick input to make sure the hex will fly in the direction of you stick movements. So if you push forward the hex should tilt forward. Be careful not to push to hard or you might flip. Good luck and fly safe.
  • Hello

    it's difficult to see on the videos, but are you sure of yours propellers direction of rotation, or propellers position ?

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