ArduCopter kit orders from fahpah store

Hi, is it possible to get some idea of when we will be able to place orders for kits again, and how soon after that they would ship? E.g. Would it still be possible to get one before Xmas?

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  • Jani - Dare I ask.. how many units are in a batch? I am so ready to work the build over the coming holidays :-)

    Thanks for you great efforts!
  • Developer
    Yep orders are open again.. Second batch should be ready around mid december and we are doing everything on batches for now. So it will be First Ordered, First Shipped based...

    Magneto is also in FP store but currently hidden untill we know delivery dates better. And like Chris said, they should be available rather soon.
  • 3D Robotics
    You can pre-order them at the DIY Drones store, too. The first batch will be shipping this week and next.
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