ArduCopter Suggestions

The work being done here is nothing short of fantastic. Opensource brings together some really great minds.

Ok, enough congratulations, on to the suggestions

There are no performance details anywhere. What does it weigh? What motor/prop/ESC? What is the payload range? Time aloft?

Please provide answers in one of three formats: 1. Details. 2. WAG (Wild Ass Guess). 3. SWAG
(Scientific Wild Ass Guess). Anything beats nothing.

Layout and organization. Somebody needs to do some serious work on the web pages. I have read these pages 10 times at least and the holes here are huge.

I realize the thrust at this point is to release a commercial product that can be quickly assembled and ready to fly. There are others out here (me) that want to use the electronics to build their own. In your build instructions the electronics connect themselves magically. No schematic.  There seems to be an assumption that everybody knows how to configure  a motor/prop/ESC combination.
Without the weight of the bits and pieces how do you do that?

A coherent parts list. “You will need to assemble the ArduPilot Mega (APM) and the IMU Sensor Board (APM Shield/Oilpan). The ArduPilot Mega can be purchased here from SparkFun and the IMU can be purchased here from the DIYDrones Store.” Trying to figure out the parts is pure torture.

1 – ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Mega compatible UAV Controller sku: GPS-09710. (using the same terminology of the order page)

1 - ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield/OilPan Rev-H V1.0 (With pin headers)

 “A GPS module and cable (we recommend the MediaTek and a cable)”

1  - MediaTek MT3329 GPS 10Hz + Adapter

1 - EM-406/uBlox/MTK Adapter Cable 15 cm


And continue with the rest of the list. Skip the “we recommend” and say what you want to use on this project.


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  • 3D Robotics
    Just chiming in: once the ArduCopter kits are ready for commercial release (within the month), we'll do a major scrub on the wiki manual to make it clearer, more complete and easier to use. We're getting closer to that with the APM manual, so you can get a sense of direction.
  • Developer
    After official ArduCopter frame is our on market, then we can provide basic thrust and payload information BUT it is only for that full kit.

    Thing what I can tell about it is that with it's predefined parts. It can lift easily 250gr camera + battery and it flies about 10 minutes with 2650 mAh 3S LiPo. Even that quad changes it's weight from 1008gr to 1450gr depending on setup.

    It can be also equipped with 2 predefined motors, smaller for 1045 propellers and bigger 1245 propellers.

    So like Sgt Ric, Christof and other say. Everything depends on everything.

    Basic rule of the fist, with 1Kg quad you can fly about 10 minutes with 2200mAh 3S LiPo. If you are far from those numbers, you might have some problems on somewhere.

    There are now around 30 real ArduCopters around world and I think I am only one who has the really official due I have only prototype versions with correct frames, motors, ESCs and propellers. All 29 are a bit different than our factory models. They all have their own motors, escs and props.

    Wait about month or so and then there will be alot more official setups, after that we can start give a bit more details about overall performance. Like said, this is DIY site and things are evolving every day :)
  • you will need:
    APM shield
    4 Motors
    4 ESCs
    1 battery
    2 CW Propellers
    2 CCW Propellers
    1 RC Reciever

    thats it
    you could build a quad which weights 300g or a quad which weights 3kg
    it's all up to you ;)
  • Hi Dean

    It is correct that this project is open source. Many people add a bit to the project and let it grow piece by piece. You entered here in the middle of development regarding hardware and software. The project continues to grow and becomes more and more complete over time.

    The suggestions of parts to use is just a suggestion, because many other parts are working as well. It is up to you to define the requirements ot the parts you want to use.
    I make an example: You can buy a motor for 19.00 with an efficiency of 75% or you can buy a motor for 70.00 with 93%. So its up to you to select the parts you want. The suggestion would be somewhere at 30.00 with 85%

    You can find more information about the APM on the APM Mega homepage for assembling.

    If you need detailed information, post it here and someone experienced will help you.

    The performance details depend on your setup. motors, props, batt and esc. You can calculate the thrust/lift similar to a regular airplane. Just multiply it by 4 ;-)


  • Moderator
    If this site was meant as a commercial venture with a mature product, I am sure it would look as glossy as you would like, but it is not... it is a meeting place for like minded hobbiests sharing an interest in UAV type projects currently focusing on the ArduPilotMega and the ArduCopter.
    The ArduCopter especially is in it's infancy and there are few complete flying examples out there right now being flown by beta tested mostly.
    Each of these models are probably very unigue and individual, so the manual is still being written.

    Yes, it would be easier for people to go shopping with a complete parts list, but that is still evolving as we speak.

    Very few members are ever content with doing things the same way someone has done them before, so experimentation and modding are more the norm than the exception around here.

    Remember this is a DIY site, not WalMart.
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