ArduIMU V3, source code for DMP?

Hi I'm trying to figure out how to use the MPU-6000, I'm reading your source code and I don't see anything about using the DMP

I've also looked at the ArduPilotMega 2.0 repo, found the code for the MPU-6000, but it also does not do anything with the DMP

I understand there's a supposed to be a bit of code that loads a block of instructions into memory banks inside the MPU-60x0, and then the FIFO outputs quaternion data. I do not see any of these elements in "ArduIMU328_V3" or "AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000.cpp"

Can I please see the code to use the DMP?

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  • There was a library in the svn, but it was removed for some reason. However you can still get it via versioning 

    Are we waiting for something more advanced or this is all what can be done at the moment ? This code is based on the reverse engineering of the Invensense dev kit communications. As I followed Invensense devcorner discussions, Invensense does not have the intention to give away their dmp code in any form. It can be used only through their precompilled dev libraries (which are not Atmega compatible). Too bad....

  • Developer

    We are finishing the conversion of this code into an arduino library with all the functions needed for Ardupilot/arducopter.

    We will share this code soon.

    and you are right, we are loading the DMP memory with a default code, configuring registres and work with quaterion output from FIFO.


  • I am also waiting this code

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