"Correct me if I'm wrong, but these modules have only NMEA output with four decimal digits which is way less resolution than Ublox or mtk 1.9 firmware."
"Melih, I think you are trying to protect your business here, but since the hw design is os everyone can make compatibile. If I follow your way, then I can sue you, rctimer, goodluckbuy and a number of other companies for selling i2c gps nav boards.…"
"Ppp has no real use for moving vecicles. it helps to achieve perfect position in stationary applications.
you can read it in the ublox docs too : positioning improvement can only be expected in an environment with unobstructed sky view during a…"
"But if you crash and bend the shaft, it's almost sure that you have to replace the bearings too.
If somebody bending shafts weekly, then why not buy an arbor press for 30 bucks and replacement shafts for .99 per piece...."
"It is NOT a Paris board, it's just a simple Arduino Promini (328P) and a cheap chinese GY86 sensor blob (MPU6050+HMC5883l+MS5611)
MultiWii had acc+mag+baro for ages, the new func is the GPS poshold+rth.
Jack : Calibrating ESCs with a Lipo connected…"
Here is a short video of poshold (loiter) in strong wind.During the last two months I was working on the RTH and poshold code for MultiWii, which is finally released some days ago with the 2.1 release. The code is mostly based on the ArduCopter RTH…
"Hi Dan,
It's a great tool, could you please share the source ? I'm porting apm navigational and datalogging functions to MultiWii and this tool could be a great addition to the current gui, but the log format is slightly different so I would like to…"
"The main selling point of MPU6000 was the so called DMP, and offloading sensor fusion from CPU, which was turned out as a closed source implementation and Invensese refused to give any detail out to the open source community (including diydrones).…"
Hi!I had a couple of HM-TRP modules laying around, and gave them a try. However my modules were 868Mhz ones. So I went through the code, and it seems that the bootloader supports 868Mhz, but the initialisation part of the firmware is only for 434…
"I tried to tune PID parameters, but did not realised any significant changes.... I went down to Stable_pid 3.6 but it did not helped.... is there any hint where to start other that try to change parameters randomly? It's not wobbling or something...…"