Arduino Due Multi-Copter I/O Shield

Hi all,

  I have begun a new project that relates to multi-copters.  I have designed a shield for the arduino Due that makes using one for a multi-copter project a bit more convenient (or really almost any robotic type of project).  The PCB is currently out for fab and should be back in about a week.  You can read more about it in my latest blog post.

  I have many improvements and additions I intend to implement, but I wanted to get the first version on my bench to work out any bugs before getting too far.

  Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


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  • Sir, I am facing many problems with my Arduino Due. One of them is the I2C interface of the board. I am not able to detect or read values/get height from MPL3115A2 Altimeter and I have tried many many libraries and codes.

    Sir, have you used I2C on Due?

    Can you help me in this regard?

    • I have not used that sensor specifically, but I have had no problems using the I2C port on my Due and communicating with many other sensors.  

      • That is really nice! Is there a library you use for I2C? Please share if you do.

        Sadly, I am having loads of problems with the I2C. :(

        • I use the standard Arduino 1.5.6-r2 Due Wire library modified to work at 400kHz.

          Make sure you are using the 7bit sensor address.

          Make sure the sensor is powered by 3.3v

          If you're using the second I2C port, make sure your sensor has pull-up resistors

          If you're using the second I2C port, use the wire1 call (example: wire1.begin(); )

  • I have done it at last.
    No shield is needed.
    Kindly check this
  • This is great .... actually I bought DUE on Dec to build quadcopter board to make use of its great computing power... but congratulation .... u were the first one - to my knowledge- who implements a quadcopter board on DUE.

    I want to know if you share the source code.

    Best Regards,

    M. Hefny

  • Here's is my latest blog post about my multicopter I/O shield for the Arduino Due.

    MIOS: Multi-Copter I/O Shield for the Arduino Due
    A blog about technology focusing on multicopters, my quaternion based IMU, and any thing else that catches my interest.
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