I recently bought a quadcopter and it contains a 900mAh Lithium Ion battery. It gives a flight time of 5-6 minutes. I want to increase the flight time.Please suggest how. I was thinking about getting LiPo battery for it but i am afraid that the…
"Sir, I am facing many problems with my Arduino Due. One of them is the I2C interface of the board. I am not able to detect or read values/get height from MPL3115A2 Altimeter and I have tried many many libraries and codes.Sir, have you used I2C on…"
Anybody who has experience getting height using MPL3115A2 using Arduino Due is begged to please share with me how to do it. I am in urgent need of a superman/woman.Thank you.
"I am powering GY-63 by the 5V output pin on Arduino Due.
i am using the SCL (Pin 21), SDA (Pin 20) on the Arduino Due to connect to SCL, SDA pins on GY-63. I am also using 10K pull up resistors for the SCL, SDA pins of GY-63. "
"Thank you for your response.
I have downloaded the "i2c scanner for arduino" which allows you to detect an i2c comm link. I am able to compile it but it says No Devices Found.
I have setup the GY-63 MS5611 exactly as said by the datasheet here:…"
I am desperately in need of guidance for the interfacing of GY-63 MS5611 barometer with Arduino Due. I cannot even start the communication with Arduino. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I will be extremely grateful for an urgent…
Is there any benefit in flashing my ESCs with Simon K firmware if I am programming my own flight controller on Arduino Due, with my IMU giving input/working at 50 Hz max? In any case can someone please elaborate on the advantages of Simon K firmware?
"Sir, I need to know where and how you have mounted your battery. We, a group of students, are also building a quadcopter using x666 frame and we are programming it ourselves on arduino due board. I'll be obliged if you could kindly send me the…"
We are building a quadcopter using the hobbyking x666 frame and an arduino due. the wireless controller we are using is the turnigy 9x. After tuning it wrt roll and yaw, we took it for first test flight which didn't go so well. It wasn't stabilizing…