ArduPilot Mega Dimensions - Updated


I am having problem finding the dimensions of ArduPilot. I read in one of the Forum Discussion that i can get all the dimension from Eagle Files (.brd). I have downloaded the Eagle software and open the .brd file. Because of my poor Eagle Software skills i couldn't figure out how to see all dimensions. I looked for the Dimension tool, but couldn't see that also. It would be really helpful if someone tells me how to use the software or just show me a drawing which has all the dimensions of the board. (Length, Width, Thickness, Hole-Hole Distance, Hole to Edge distance, Hole Dia, ect...) Thank you so much for your time and help.



I have created a diagram which shows dimensions of the ArduPilot Mega(Ver. 1). I wasn't able to measure the hole diameter and thickness of the board. But as soon as i get to know them i will update the diagram and re-post it here. Hope it helps to you as it did to me. Cheers



** If any distance is wrong please reply to this post or message me with correct info. I would like to make this post as much accurate as i can. Would like to make it the future reference. Thank you.

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  • Hi Kur,

    In Eagle CAD, you can use the "mark" tool to set the origin to any point on the board. You can then move the cursor around the board to find the dimensions that you need.

    -Tech Support

  • The pin spacings for the headers are all 0.1", including the gaps between the headers. So, just count the dots.

    Or, in Eagle, there's a constant display of the cursor co-ordinates (I think). The origin is one corner of the board, so move the cursor to each corner to confirm and to find the dimensions.

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