ArduPirates: Throttle problem.

I have build my ArduCopter from JDrones kit and uploaded the recommended ArduPiratesNG (1.0, latest from zip)


I have done all available steps to configure with the CLI, as currently I have no convenient access to Widows computer. Is it even possible to do full configuration without the Configurator?


For ESC calibration I have tried both ways. calibrating them separately and with the 'e' command.

This has no difference for the problem seen.


Motor test ('m') shows that motors do rotate in right direction etc.


Problem is that the copter does not fly. Motor arming - disarming does work ok.

But throttle does not spin motors enough for it to fly, even when on full. 

This is in stable mode.


Interesting find is that if I pulse the throttle up and down quick enough the copter jumps up a small height (when throttle goes from full to none) and can stay there a while if throttle is tweaked this way in good rhythm. 


I suspected this to be fault in the altitude hold feature, but above happens even with when that is totally disabled from the source code.


I have quickly tested  the copter with ACRO mode, and it does rise up, quite fast actually, 3 to 5 meters in couple of seconds =) so i landed it little too fast also and broke couple of those plastic screws from the landing stand. So there is no any serios hardware failures that would prevent the copter from flying.


Any ideas of what is causing this behavior and suggestions how to fix it?




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  • Make sure that only the green led is blinking slowly. having any other led on or blinking may mean you are in alt hold mode and that is a bad thing if on the ground. The configurator is good for diagnosing what channels are active. Too bad you dont have access to a windows computer, its going to suck without it initially.
  • no you don't need a windows PC

    you should NOT enable altitude and/or GPS hold on ground

  • get windows computer. 
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