
ArduPlane 2.63 released

I've just released ArduPlane 2.63

This is a bug fix release, with the following changes:

  • fixed MAVLink code to allow update of the last waypoint in flight (updating one waypoint at a time is unusual, and the code had a off by one bug that prevented it working for the last waypoint)
  • ensure output channel is enabled on a DO_SET_SERVO command
  • only set manual channels in failsafe code
  • fixed handling of DO_REPEAT_SERVO command
  • added new auto GPS detection to fix startup with no GPS attached, and correct detection of GPS type when the GPS is attached after startup
  • fixed support for reversed throttle servo setups

The main reason for this release was the poor startup performance when no GPS was attached. Thanks to everyone who reported that!

Cheers, Tridge

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  • Hi Andrew,

    I've attached the log file for the Mount servo chattering issue for Rc5,6 and 7 channels (only one of them is chattering coincidentally), it happens even the GPS  has good 3D lock and airspeed is enabled!



  • Hey guys

    Something a bit off topic. I cant seem to get the CLI going. when I click on terminal in the MP and hit enter 3 times nothing happens. I try again and again but nothing. Just a whole bunch of text starts to fill the terminal display.

    Its been doing this for while now and I have posted a few times about this but cant get it sorted. all the other functions of the MP work fine.

    Its an APM1 1280. any help would be great, thanks.

  • I have done a reinstall of MP and now working. Sorry for any confusion.

  • Andrew

    I can confirm that setting ARSPD_USE to enable in MP does not update the setting. You need to go into the CLI and set it manually. 

  • I have installed Arduplane v2.63 on my APM 1280 via mission Planner 1.2.11 and do not get any GPS lock on the Planner or on the board. The GPS module have lock as per the solid blue LED. I have followed the steps as per the troubleshooting guide to no avail. Power supply is via USB, so no power issues. Changed and checked cables, no problem.

    Installed and ran GPS_MTK_Test from the sketch tools and the GPS works without issues.

    How can I set the GPS protocol in Arduplane v2.63?

  • Hi Andrew,

    I've just updated to 6.3 and noticed that the outputs from Rc5, Rc6 and Rc7 for mount control causes servo chattering every 14 seconds! It seems there is a regular noise coming out from these channels which causes servos jumping every 14-15 seconds!



  • Arduplane 2.63, Auto take off and waypoint navigation.

  • Developer


    Is there any plans for implement a second battery voltage & current readings?

    I have modified the libraries for do it, but for now I have too much problems with the params file.

    The base of this change is ...\Arduino\libraries\GCS_MAVLink\include\mavlink\v1.0\common\mavlink_msg_sys_status.h library.

    Attached is the modified library.

    Can anyone make me see some light?


  • APM 2 - just upgraded from 2.60 to 2.63 and Airspeed not working.

  • Thank You Andrew !


    I think there are two small mistakes in Attitude.pde, maybe you have a look at it.

    Line 63:

    now:         fabs(ahrs.roll_sensor * g.kff_pitch_compensation) +

    should be: fabs(ahrs.roll_sensor) * g.kff_pitch_compensation +


    Line 91:

    now:         ch2_inf = (float)g.channel_pitch.radio_in - g.channel_pitch.radio_trim;

    should be: ch2_inf = (float)g.channel_pitch.radio_in - (float)g.channel_pitch.radio_trim;


This reply was deleted.


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