aurora 9

I have an aurora 9 TX and an optima 9 receiver. (APM 2.5 on a quad-copter)I would like to set roll to make my copter go left and right respectively.(Xbox style) and pitch to make it go forward and backwards the same way. Throttle I would like to stay where it belongs and yaw I would like to control the direction the front points.(left looks left right looks right) the three position switch(SWA) I want to cycle through 3 flight modes, then if I switch (SWF) I would like it to go through the other 3 for the 6 that is possible. I am new to the RC world so if someone could break it down Barney style for me, or at least point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.. Optima receiver channel 's: 1  is roll, 2 pitch, 3 throttle, 4 yaw, 5  flight modes.(default) I just need to be able to get 6 PWM levels out of channel 5.(receiver and APM input channels are plugged in 1:1 2:2 etc.) The easier the better Ill set them in the mission planner after the levels are established. 

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  • You can as I have the same and now have 2 switches giving me all 6 flight modes.

    Pasted from other posts on this site....


    I have programmed switches C (3pos) and D (2pos) and got it to work by doing the following:


    Channel Setup:

    Ch 6: AUX1: Switch C - This is the one connected to the APM on Input #8

    Ch 7: AUX2: Switch D


    End Point Adjustments:

    Ch6: AUX1: +50%, -100%

    Ch7: AUX2: +100%, -100%


    Programmable Mixes:

    1. AUX2 -> AUX1, Rate +:+50%, -:+25%

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