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School, remote sensing

Activity Feed

Brandon Flint posted a discussion
I have an aurora 9 TX and an optima 9 receiver. (APM 2.5 on a quad-copter)I would like to set roll to make my copter go left and right respectively.(Xbox style) and pitch to make it go forward and backwards the same way. Throttle I would like to…
May 15, 2013
Brandon Flint posted a discussion
I have windows 7 and am unsure If I have everything set right. When I go to load settings to configure the 3dr radio it reads invalid comport or in use. I have port 4 for direct link and port 5 for telem. It connects and I can see flight data…
Apr 17, 2013
Brandon Flint posted a discussion
While disarmed the apm outputs cause the motors to run as soon as they are plugged in. Also the on the input side my receiver shorts the board and will cause it to apm to loose contact with the computer while running flight manager. I had everything…
Apr 1, 2013