
  • Auto-G2 with Pixhawk PX4 autopilot has already been tested. 

    see the post on UAV autogyro autopilot experiments on the PX4 forum.

    Alexey Dobrovolskiy said:

    It's very interesting for me too. Past week I got Durafly Auto-G2, and I want to install pixhawk on it. It seems that ArduPlane firmware should work on autogyro. Any comments?

    Auto-G2 gyrocopter with PX4 autopilot
    Hi, we have tried to fly with autogyro Auto-G2 with PX4 autopilot. After recieving the package from HobbyKing we were surprised, that model is mo…
  • Could an auto gyro pusher use brushless motors to have vertical take off then transition to forward flight and then re-use the energy from the two spinning gyro motors being spun by the gyro effect of the pusher.  I am just having a random thought on this but when a brushless motor is spinning from the force created by forward motion from the pusher wouldn't that also create a charge and with the correct circuitry could that then be reused.  I mean then you would get over the problem of having a vtol carrying dead weight when in forward flight.  Just an idea.

  • It's very interesting for me too. Past week I got Durafly Auto-G2, and I want to install pixhawk on it. It seems that ArduPlane firmware should work on autogyro. Any comments?

  • I see this thread has gone dead, but I was wondering if anyone has tried a Pixhawk in an Auto Gyro yet. I was thinking of getting the HobbyKing Super G.

    It seems to have enough space inside it for all the components. It might be a good test bed. Thoughts?


  • Bob,
    give this a look.
  • Moderator
    I would still like a gyro, will have plenty of time on my hands soon to play with one.

    Anybody found a bigish pusher type yet??

    Just found this

    Must be something out there --> Model Making
    Model Aircraft

  • Probably the coolest gyro ever built!
  • The Y-UFO guy at Laheli has these

    As I recall they get good reports on RCGroups
    R/C Autogyro Kits & Parts - Flying Balsa
  • Thanks to all for the suggestions. My next question regards payloads. I'm looking for a project which can carry enough of an electronics package to experiment with autonomous flight and data links rather than typical R/C gear. Before my retirement last year, I worked in homeland security and this is a pet project I never got to pursue. Work is being one on this, but it's all large, expensive UAVs. Smaller craft are generally not suitable because of wind sensitivity, hence my interest in the widest possible flight envelope.

    Do any of you have any idea of how much of a payload your recommended projects can carry? I figure I can fit some pretty smart flight controls, data link, a camera, and one or two sensors in a small package well under 5 ounces.
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