I have already asked this question but can't find an answer. I have mission planer 1.1.99 installed on my computer (windows 7 64 bit).
When I open Mission Planer a little window open and advise that there is an update available. If Iclick yes, everything download OK until the part which says "Getting Open T K. compatibility.dll: 0.5%" Then I got the message" Update failed The request was aborted: The connectionwas closed unexpectedly.
Could some body from the team give me an idea of what is wrong? I do not have time limit activated on my computer. However if I down load the .exe from the download site I have no problem in installing the software. Cheers Pierre
I found that some updates did not set permissions properly which affected the program.
Now, whenever there is an update I quit MP and then run it again as 'Administrator' and all is well.
It seems some files are set to admin only and running as a user the update can't change these files or directories.
Perhaps you have an antivirus software mistakenly blocking the download?
Hi Chris, yes have done that even deleted MP from the computer and redownloaded the .exe file from the site, no dice.
cheers Pi
I didn't have any trouble myself, but have you tried rebooting and trying again? If that doesn't work, uninstalling and doing a fresh install?