Bad GPS Health in Latest Mission Planner - Help Needed

I am back with beginner questions that I could not find answers elsewhere. Here we go:


Using Tricopter FW 3.1

I have a GPS+Compass module (Ublox-NEO 6M) which have been calibrated using wizard in MP. Went outside for a maiden and I got "GPS:3D Fix" at first 2-4 minutes but after that I only keep getting "Bad GPS Health". Got home and raised the GPS about 3-4 Inches up. Still getting "Bad GPS H." message.

GPS shows correct heading in MP and it does show the location I am in correctly but does not let me arm anymore (Pre-Arm enabled to make sure I am setting all correct).

LED is mostly green solid with light blue strobe every 1-2 seconds.


How can I fix this issue? 

Is it a firmware issue with this GPS type? (I noticed that the original 3DR is a LEAH, not a NEO like the one I have)

Can I update the firmware on this type of GPS (bought at Goodluckbuy)? Beware!

Could it be voltage? I am using the original 3DR Power module for telemetry + BEC from one of the ESCs


Looks like this is the last part of the puzzle for me before I can play with the PID's and Loiter.

Thanks for any help on this one.



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  • Well I have seen this error message disappear after about 5 minutes.  Still now sure what causes it.  it is not related to the number of sats or the HDOP value....and I no longer believe I need to reflash my cn-06 gps FW.....

    • I increased my gps glitch radius from 200 to 300 cm and that seems to have helped.....

  • Thanks all for the replies. Update below:

    1. Last night I updated the GPS firmware as per Ardupilot support pages. Downloaded Ublox app and uploadex 3dr-gps FW via ardupilot usb.

    2. My GPS+Compass combo from GoodluckBuy has a different led pattern. Today i took it outside and it locked 12 satelites in 3 minutes after power up. Led has a solid Green, never blue.

    3. Tested my first Loiter on this Tricopter and it worked! Used default PIDs.

    After the 3 steps above i have not had the Bad Gps Health message again so i consider this case solved. I hope this fix can help others too.
    • how exactly upload 3dr-gps FW ?

  • I just noticed are you running a on screen display? If you are turn off the power to the osd. My remzibi on my quad did not like my antenna for my osd being close to the gps. It was causing interference with the gps. I had to move the antenna to the bottom of my quad to get a good gps lock and more satellites.
  • Does the GPS led flash to show sat aquisition. I believe the more it flashes the more sats. You verify the other stats by viewing the various options in Mission Planner. I cant quite recall their names, but there are params for sat count, quality rating etc.

  • Whar is your hdop value and how many satelites does it say it has. Check under the statis tab.
  • Really, no one ever had this issue? 

    It would be helpful to understand if I can fix this issue or have to spend $90 on a new one (LEAH)  from the Store.

    Update from yesterday: I tried to upload firmware from APM site using Ublox App. Looks like it uploaded fine but I do not see any improvement and I am still getting Bad Health GPS.

    Once again thanks in advance.....

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