Beginner UAV for Aerial Mapping

Hi All,

My name is Michael and I'm a Newbie.  I'm a long time GIS user and am excited to get involved in capturing accurate imagery data (down the road) for my projects.  

To begin with I was planning on purchasing the new 3D Aero as it looks perfect as a platform and is RTF.

From a logistical standpoint though it may be easier for me to learn on a quad as I live in an urbanized area and will have somewhat limited space for practicing.

I am very bullish on the 3D Robotics products as they are RTF with the Mission Planner capabilities, opensource and a great community (DIY Drones).

My question is will I learn more by purchasing a toy quad to start learning piloting or just dive in with a 3DR Quad or Aero to learn autonomous programming and piloting (and plan on replacing propellers etc. per learning curve)?

Is there another product I should be looking at or am I in the ballpark?

Also, I'm planning on attending the AUVSI 2014 Conference.  Is 3D Robotics attending?  Anyone else I should look into?

Thanks so much and I look forward to pestering you with many questions in the future!

Cheers, mb

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  • I started with a simple Tricopter from hobbyking and an APM 2.5. I then found a an ebay special Canon SX260 which has gps and can be used with CHDK. By using the APM 2.5 I can control the shutter with the camera. I've also used a go pro camera and told it to take a picture every 10 seconds. I guess it comes down to how much DIY you want to do and how much money you want to spend. Like you I thought about starting with a plane but decided to go with a multicopter due to space restrictions. I do plan on using a plane for aerials later but for now the multicopters will do.

  • Hi!

    My sugestion for a complete package:

    The E382LR UAV, is a really great UAV plataform, with best possibilities for autonomous flights, mapping etc.

    The airframe was based in Skywalker 1900mm airplane, an old friend of MILIONS FPV PILOTS around the world.

    Jeff Taylor, the Event38 founder, was part of staff of 3DRobotics, he is a lot experiented.

    Just take a look:

    Good luck!

    • Thanks ECODRONES!

      I came across a picture on the forum showing a fixed wing with a camera mounted on each wing, is this the standard configuration for multiple camera placement?  

      Where would I mount a single camera, under the body?  

      Should I invest in FPV technology for performing aerial mapping?

      Thanks so much for your prompt response!

      • My friend,

        The sensors (like cameras) could be afixed when have you space at airframe or under wings, depending of aircraft CoG.
        I use a aircraft with two position for cameras internally. And it's working for me.
        FPV isn't necessary for mapping. FPV add unecessary weight and possible electronic interference for these jobs.

        But, it´s up to you.

        • Thanks for the great feedback. What do you think about getting a quad to practice with first? Should I just jump into the fixed wing?

          Also I noticed that the E382 LR doesn't have pixhawk. Is this a mod that can be made when ordering?

          Thanks so much again!
          • Hi Michael!

            IMHO, to learning in rotary wings, help nothing for piloting fixed-wing aircrafts, in fact.

            It's totally different, regarding flying behavior. But to get knowledge with autopilot, mission planner and other systems, certainly will.

            Jeff (from Event38) is right now planning new products. Drop a line to him, asking about Pixhawk.

            Good luck!

            • Thanks ECODRONES! 

              I will definitely reach out to Jeff to learn more about the products they offer etc. 

              Thanks again for your feedback! mb

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