Can't connect to APM2 or upload firmware

Hi all,

Today I installed a voltage sensor on my Hexacopter and tested is successfully with my 3DR telemetry.  Shortly after the telemetry wouldn't connect.  After much troubleshooting and verifying that the 3DR radio's could communicate with each other I unplugged everything and just put in the USB cable to my APM2. I still can't connect or upload new firmware through the mission planner, any ideas?


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  • Moderator

    Colin, did you ever sort this out? One of my boards is suddenly doing the same thing. It flies a quad fine but USB, telemetry and even connecting through the CLI are all non-responsive.

  • I have the same issue... is there a guarantee or a return back policy for the board so that they can fix it and send it back.

  • Something else I have noticed now is that when I try upload the firmware the rx/tx lights on the board flash and then it just gives the message 'Can't detect your apm version please check your cabling'.

    Is there a way I can flash the board without the MP?

  • So I went and flew my hexacopter and it worked fine, does anyone know if it could have a short and still fly fine or can I rule a short out now?

  • Could be but the hexacopter functions so that would seem odd to be a short.

  • 3D Robotics

    Maybe something got shorted out?

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