Hi all,
After flying, I wanted to download logs in my pixhawk with Mission Planner, but I got some errors like this:
Getting list of log files...
Error:System.Exception: Timeout on read - GetLogEntry
在 MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogEntry(UInt16 startno, UInt16 endno) 位置 c:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:行号 4053
在 MissionPlanner.MAVLinkInterface.GetLogList() 位置 c:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Mavlink\MAVLinkInterface.cs:行号 3996
在 MissionPlanner.Log.LogDownloadMavLink.<LoadLogList>b__0() 位置 c:\Users\michael\Source\Repos\MissionPlanner\Log\LogDownloadMavLink.cs:行号 92
Some one has met similar issue? and how can I solve it?
Looking forward to your help, thanks a lot!
Sounds like a corrupted SD card. First, try getting the logs by putting the SD card in a PC. If that doesn't work, it should tell you that you have a corrupted card.