"And as I noted in that ardupilot thread, if you want good, worry free ESCs for low KV motors on heavier rigs, the Hobbywing Xrotors work great. And no, I wasn't paid for that. :)"
"It would depend on the amp rating for the UBEC I would think. The link to the one you've provided indicates 7.5A, I'm going to bet that would probably be just fine. You just need to find out how much each draws under the maximum load. If it's…"
"Sounds like a corrupted SD card. First, try getting the logs by putting the SD card in a PC. If that doesn't work, it should tell you that you have a corrupted card."
"This is a gasser, right? Nitro? Any gas/combustion engine vehicle will likely be inherently vibration prone. I haven't heard of many people using gas powered helicopters/multicopters without having to get really serious about vibration damping.…"
"THR_MID sets the midpoint in Stabilize. Loiter will ALWAYS be around 50 percent because it uses the altimeter to find the hover. Stabilize doesn't. You need note where on the throttle throw in percentage that the craft hovers in stablize mode.…"
"Have you calibrated the mag? The acceleromter? How do you have the FC mounted? Which FC?
Also, if you've done all the above, if you change motors and it flies wrong, it's likely because the PIDs are now not valid. You change the drive method on…"
"Setting all the arguments about safety, speed/torgue/blade size aside, the one thing that multirotor (especially those with more than four rotors) vehicles have that single rotors do not is redundancy during motor failure. If a motor fails on a…"
"If you are enabling AHRS_EKF_USE, then you are using firmware 3.2.x and below. I understand that the EKF and Vibe options on MP will only work if you have firmware 3.3.x and above installed. In copter, EKF cannot be disabled by that flag."
"Log File C:/Users/Mark/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpD765.tmp.logSize (kb) 9348.0400390625No of lines 125632Duration 0:08:52Vehicletype ArduCopterFirmware Version V3.2.1Firmware Hash 36b405fbHardware Type Free Mem 0Skipped Lines 0
Test: Autotune = NA -…"