Cannot load firmware in pixhawk

Hello everyone!

I've been having problems in loading firmware to pixhawk. I've used apm planner 2.0 as instructed. Pixhawk is connected to the computer via usb connector with peripherals connected to pixhawk which includes GPS with magnetometer, switch, buzzer and telemetry.Everytime I start loading firmware, it instructs me to unplug the pixhawk and plug it again afterwards. Status message will then be "downloading" then, "attempting to find com port" and stops. I checked again the pixhawk port in  the device manager and still it is present.

Can somebody tell me what to do please? or is the lacking of peripherals affect it as well? I hope somebody could help and could give a comment. Your comments will be very much appreciated and is a great help for me for sure. 

Thanks in advance,


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      • Cherry

        You don't say what you did to get FW loaded. Please post what you did.

        • Hi Martin,

          Actually, I've already posted how I get FW loaded. Please see the comment below(February 20, 2014 comment). 



    • Install Mission Planner too for drivers.

      In device manager do you see new com port?

      • I have left the px4 plugged in and lights on, but no I cant see the new com port under USB

        • Hi I have just gone back to downloading MP drivers and started the wizard. Again it fails to upload firmware watching the device manager it will refresh several times when I unplug and plug in. I have now found it under com port and changed it to 115200 it states it is working properly but still no joy?

          any ideas?

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