I am using Mavlink protocol (in c++) to communicate with the ArduPilotMega, I am able to read messages such as ATTITUDE for example.
I am currently getting only 2Hz (message rate) and I would like to increase the it. I found out that I should use MESSAGE_INTERVAL in order to change it, and that I probably need to use the command MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL to set it.
So my question is, how do I send that command using mavlink in c++?
I tried doing this with the code below but it did not work, I guess that I should use the command that I mentioned above but I don't know how.
mavlink_message_t command;
mavlink_message_interval_t interval;interval.interval_us = 100000;
interval.message_id = 30;mavlink_msg_message_interval_encode(255, 200, &command, &interval);
I also tried this code below, maybe I am not giving it the right system id or component id.
mavlink_message_t command;
mavlink_command_long_t interval;interval.param1 = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE;
interval.param2 = 100000;
interval.command = MAV_CMD_SET_MESSAGE_INTERVAL;
interval.target_system = 0;
interval.target_component = 0;mavlink_msg_command_long_encode(255, 0, &command, &interval);
I have the same issue. Did you solve it or not yet?
Do you need to do this in C++? It's easiest to do it in Python using Dronekit.