Commercial MultiCopter Airframe

I'm sure many of you are familiar with "game of drones" airframe on Kickstarter. It claims to be virtually indestructible and from the videos - it does seem extremely resilient. Take a look at if you are interested.

In any event, I was curious to know if anyone is offering a similar lightweight "Kydex" type airframe for commercial applications. Specifically, I need an airframe  designed for larger cameras, sensors, payloads, and other various commercial applications. Internally we have called the project "slow and low".

I am looing for any and all info on designs, existing products, etc. Preferably solutions with little or no metal. - Many thanks in advance.

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  • Hi-

    Feel free to contact us directly with your design needs.  We may be able to assist you.


    Game of Drones

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