Communication Error (Brand new Ardupoilot)

Hey everyone.

   I have looked into this problem by searching for forum and saw others have this issue as well. Some of the answers have been the easy given answers such as check your com port, make sure baud is right, ect. But I have not seen any answers to this problem when all those things have been checked.

    I have a brand new ardupilot 2.6.  I am trying to connect via USB on com 6 (arduino mega 2560) WITH A 115200 Baud. But each time I try it fails. Communication error.  In terminal I click connect and it opens the port. But never connects.

 I am running windows 7 with the latest version of mission planner.

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  • Admin


    Are you sure that your USB cable is good? You might want to try another known good cable to be sure. Also, you might try powering your APM with a powered USB HUB. Some PCs' USB ports do not have sufficient current to power a full up APM.


    TCIII Admin

  • Usually these things are related to the driver installation. you should check also the settings on the actual com port through the system settings pages. I remember having a little issue as well, but had that resolved just by going through the settings or reinstalling the USB drivers.

    Alternatively, try connecting at different speeds, especially 9600. I think for the APM, the USB speed is fixed at 115200 though. Make sure there are no conflicts with other devices on the same port (check device manager).

  • I'll get the dumb question out the way first then: have you uploaded firmware? You cannot connect to the apm before loading firmware as there is nothing to connect to. 

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