
          • Hello Patrick,

            Sorry, I didn't have much time last week so I couldn't test direct connection.

            I finally tried connecting the Pixhawk with USB, but you were right, it didn't work better.

            I'd really want to figure out why it doesn't work.

            I'm pretty sure I'm missing something.

            - The fact that the channel 6 gauge corresponding to the knob moves when I check in mission planner calibration page seems to indicate that the mixing settings in the RC are not too wrong. Am I right? Or could it be misconfigured?

            - That leaves me thinking that the problem could lie either on the pixhawk configuration side, on the gimbal firmware configuration or in the wiring.

            I checked the wires, they are conducting properly and I connected the according to the instructions.

            When the cables are connected, the camera faces down (I realize that I didn't try to move the quad to see if the gimbal stabilizes it in that position).

            I'll have to spend more time on it...

            The last option would be to try connecting the gimbal directly to the receiver.

            But I'm not even sure I could directly link the gimbal to the frsky d8r ii plus receiver since I've flashed it to output PPM. I'll have to check that out too...

            Thanks again for your help Patrick.



          • Thanks Patrick,

            I'm trying this tonight with my fingers crossed ;)



  • Hi Mitchell,

    I have a tarot gimbal - you do not need to hookup to the APM. just hookup to your RX directly. Here's a video that details the silly wiring this gimbal needs. This video was made by a user in the forum eirlink

    Hope this helps.



    • I have my Tarot gimbal wired directly to one of the receiver channels. It works perfectly in this mode, so I'm wondering why one would want to complicate matters by taking the signal through the APM. Would doing so provide extra functionality in say 'Follow me' mode? Input greatly appreciated, ('scuse the pun!)



    From the manual...

    4.Receiver and camera control connector:

    R: conventional receiver roll channel input
    T: conventional receiver tilt channel input
    C: conventional receiver stick mode channel input (rate mode and position mode)
    S: S-BUS receiver or conventional receiver camera input
    P: camera control servo output (Infrared camera module can be connected)
    +: 5V output
    -: power ground


    Used to connect DSM2/DSMJ/DSMX receiver
    6.Roll and tilt motor connector:
    Used to connect motor
    7.Sensor connector:
    Used to connect sensor module


    Can Anyone help me to work this out please?



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