Configurator problems

Hi All


I've just got the latest Arducopter electronics hardware APM 1.4, sensor board, magnetometer and Mediatek GPS. After a little effort I uploaded the ArduPiratesNG software okay.


My problem is with the Configuator tool, I've tried VER.2.1 and 2.2 with the same results. Everything seems to work, it reads the transmitter fine and the fight data and sensor calibration is okay. But the Motor control does not work and when you try and control it from the transmitter the Mode switch (CH5) and Function switch (CH6) do not seem to do the right things regarding the ABC status LEDs, ie the Mode switch should make the green A LED change from a slow to a fast flash ( stable-acro). The A LED always flashes slow and the Function switch is just bonkers.


I've had a scope on the Outputs and there seem to be sensible and controllable PWM signals although the period between pulses is a flakey.


Does anybody have any ideas what I'm doing wrong ? before I get suicidal.




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  • Developer

    Versions 2.1 and 2.2?!? There are NO Configurator for ArduCopter with versions 2.X. I think you are using Configurator for AeroQuad which is different from old ArduCopter Configurator.


    Latest ArduCopter Configurator version is 1.22 and it looks like 2.X Configurator due it's been originally made by same guy (Ted).


    So please check that you are using correct Configurator.


  • what do you mean by motor control is not working?

  • Channel 5 and 6 have different functions in ArduPiratesNG. Mode controls altitude hold and Aux controls position hold. To change between stable and acro mode you need to flip one of the dip switches.


    See here:


    Hope this helps

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