Connecting Arduino Uno/Mega to PixHawk

Greetings! I'm sorry for this noob question, but I would really appreciate if you guys could answer!

So I'm working on PixHawk which I would use on a quadcopter... so I'm required to obtain the dynamic parameters such as altitude and attitude (roll pitch yaw), and run these values on my arduino program which I'd use for the dynamic control (command) of the quadcopter.... so I've read a lot of mavlink issues as to how it works although I don't fully understand it, so I would just like to ask these noob questions:

1. Can I extract values from the PixHawk and run them in the arduino and then send commands to the movements of the quadrotor to the PixHawk, and would that mean that I would need to install a custom firmware to the pixhawk?

2. If yes, how do you make your own firmware? I saw a lot of posts about Arducopter in github and running them in arduino for the source code, but I think I actually need a .px4 file to run it. So, how do I create these .px4 files?

Thanks and Happy New Year!

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  • you communicate by using mavlink protocol, google it :) 

  • Thanks for the reply Andre! Can I just ask on how to go about that? Well, since I have PixHawk, I could load it with the arducopter code, so how do I interact it with the arduino in terms of code and connections? Again, I'm sorry for the noob question, but I would really appreciate some added opinions! Thanks!

    Andre K. said:

    yes you can, that's basically what guided mode is for - the most widespread use of it is known from Solo , where companion computer is doing the advanced shots by using guided mode. You do not need to change the ardupilot code for that, usually you can let it be as is, and just interact with it from the companion computer/(in your case arduino)  

    Should you need to compile your own ardupilot code, the source is here

  • yes you can, that's basically what guided mode is for - the most widespread use of it is known from Solo , where companion computer is doing the advanced shots by using guided mode. You do not need to change the ardupilot code for that, usually you can let it be as is, and just interact with it from the companion computer/(in your case arduino)  

    Should you need to compile your own ardupilot code, the source is here

    ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover source. Contribute to ArduPilot/ardupilot development by creating an account on GitHub.
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