Control Arducopter with PWM signals from Raspberry GPIO

Hi All,

I'm currently trying to control my Quadcopter (APM2.5) by emulating PWM Radio signals from my Raspberry GPIO pins.

I want ot use my Raspberry as a decision maker + controller, just telling the arducopter to go up/down front/back, left/right according to informations computed in the raspberry (USB camera + laser as rangefinder to begin)

I have been able to read incoming PWM signals using a simple arduino script that you can find at the following :

Using the Rpi.GPIO library I have been able to generate PWM signals via python (using the following instructions, f=50Hz, T=200000us, burst from 1000 to 2000us)

Next step, send PWM signals to the APM whith Arducopter installed on it.

I've been trying to "arm" it using a simple script (corresponding to low thr, right yaw), based on the values of min/center/max acquired during calibration but no joy...

Is PWM signals scripting via Python a good way to control my Quad?

Any idea why I can't arm my quad?

Many thanks

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  • I figured it out myself at last -  with servoblaster it works *if* the dedicated 2 "HW" PWM pins are used on the RPi between specific ranges - I was able to calibrate the input channels with signals of 10% to 78% on 50Hz. Under 10% and above 78% the ardupilot does not interpret the input correctly. It's not a rocksolid solution as sudden changes are not properly handled - some dampening must be implemented to do a kind of smooth transition between two values. It is important to connect *only* the ground and the PWM signal PINs between ardupilot input and RPi and then start playing around with values on servoblaster. RPio is a more elegant solution but writing the /dev/servoblaster makes sense as well.

  • Hi All,

    I'm new to connecting raspberry to ardupilot and have some difficulties around the PWM so I'd like to ask here instead of open an unnecessary second thread for same topic. I also
    understood above it will have some fluctuation but I'd use it for a slow ship so I would not mind.

    Till now what i have done is generating PWM signals with servo blasterwith following parameters:

        Servo cycle time:            20000us
    Pulse increment step size: 10us
    Minimum width value: 50 (500us)
    Maximum width value: 250 (2500us)

    This was enough to move a tiny servo so I thought I'm good to go to connect this PWM output+GND from raspberry
    to Ardupilot's input. Unfortunately I cannot see my PWM signals taking effect in the calibration screen of APM.
    Would you be kind to please comment how can I improve - like using different timing values? Could it be maybe the voltage levels
    of Rpi as I read they do 3.3V instead of 5V only? Unfortunately I do not have a scopeish stuff to figure it out on the easy way.

    Thank you for helpful comments in advance

  • Connect USB or telemetry to APM, and check what values it sees first, also, did you calibrate or set max/min channel values?

    • Hello Andre,

      I dit that at first to calibrate the values but I think I know where the problem is,

      The PWM signal sent from Raspbery GPIO is not as stable as it should be, for instance with a 1200us burst, the value in the APM calibrating tool fluctuate from 1190 to 1210... I have tried to change the PWM frequency to 51Hz and it's better, but still fluctuating.

      I think that sending PWM signal from the raspberry GPIO is not a good idea...

      • no, that's too bad, you will not have smooth control.

        Consider using something like this:

        or programming your own microcontroller/arduino that can take input from i2c  or serial.

        • I2C is my second option.

          There are many sources about how to generate I2C signals from the raspberry.

          Do you where I can find documentations about I2C/Ardupilot?

          Will I be able to "control" the APM via I2C protocole?

          Many thanks

          • AFAIK, Raspberry is I2C master only, and APM does not contain I2C Slave code.

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