
  I'm working on a project on which I'm trying to control a Quadcopter and make it autonomous using another Arduino UNO. My idea is to send signals with the correct pulse width modulation to move the roll and pitch of the Quadcopter. I'm trying to make sense of the values in the receiver calibration from Mission Planner so I can simulate the PWM signal from my Arduino to have that control.


Can someone help with that? Do you think that sending the corresponding signals to the input ports that control pitch and roll will give me that control?



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  • 3702197030?profile=original

    i am working in that here with processing and arduino, the ciclo of my receptor spektrum is 22ms and your range of 1000us to 2000us, 

    Estoy trabajando es algo asi ahora,  cualquier cosa lo publicare aqui. excuse me by my english very bad , i am from peru

    • Amigo, algún avance al respecto? me gustaría saber si te funcionó el tema de generar las señales de control, puesto que estoy interesado en hacer algo similar implementado unos sonares. Estoy atento a tu respuesta,


  • I solved this using the Servo library for Arduino if anyone is curious for a way to do the same. Those numbers represent microseconds. Pulses of 1000 to 2000 microseconds of a total of 20000 microseconds form those pulse width modulation signals.

    • hey can you please specify the whole process from the wiring from arduino to apm->code

  • Just to elaborate. I believe those values represent the micro-seconds of the signal being sent by the receiver. But I can't figure out the duty cycle of the signal so I can send the correct PWM from my Arduino.

    • That shouldn't be too hard, ha ha.  I mess around with code and do things I shouldn't if I had any sense.  Consider that a disclaimer for what I say, but I'd take a look at multiwii or even code for a PPM converter for Rx's, or even the orginal Ardupilot code and see if there's a way to borrow the PWM parts.  Getting pins worked out and finding the relevant nuts and bolts will probably be the trick.

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