Crash video; Any ideas what failed?

It's edited to just the good part (and 1080p and 60 FPS hero3 black footage!)

You might notice the vibes, which is odd seeing that just put on fresh fully balanced props.  I was flying in acro mode and as soon as it started to fall back, I went stabilize and full throttle.  It appears that it almost recovered, and I noticed that it was yawing left when it was level.  Could that mean a CW motor/prop/esc failed?  Testing after the crash showed all 4 motors working.  

Do those sounds during the failure tell anyone anything?

Also, everything was OK minus 4 DJI arms :)

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    The beeping in the video sounds like maybe you had an ESC reset. That would explain the sudden rotation about one axis. How far into the flight were you and were you flying more aggressively than usual. Is it possible one of the ESC's overheated? Do you have any tlog's from telemetry or can you download the log file from the board. They will tell more of the story than the video itself (although that is very helpful when combined with the logs).

    An additional thought, I have heard that when you allow your Multicopter to descend rapidly with the throttle at low or zero, some people have had trouble when they try to throttle back up. I suspect to increased load from a freewheeling prop traveling in the opposite direction of desired rotation may put too great a load on some ESC's. I also just noticed your keywords, do you think you kit a bird?


    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

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