Crashed in my basement

Why this stupid software suddenly switched from STABILIZE mode to LAND mode by itself when all of the sudden lost GPS fix in my basement , it crashed broke a lot of stuff and I could not disable throttle it was flying on it's own until it broke all props damaged 1 arm and only then I had to disconnect battery to save motors  and stop my hexa, please check my .tlog file.

my last flight starts at 86% of the file.

What can I do to fix it?


FIRMWARE  : 3,01

all balanced calibrated and was flying outside OK!


TLOG file attached.


2013-08-02 21-44-52.tlog

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  • Just a general question: Since I started my adventures with autonomous quads and planes at college, I've never had a working ardupilot board. (And it didn't help that my copter was from some grad students who didn't know how to fly, and consequentially crashed it into the 3rd story window of our dean's office) It's been a few versions since I've tried, so when I do have a board, should I use 2.9 first to get readjusted to the concepts, or charge right into 3.0? I mean, it seems like 3.0 requires a LOT of precise tuning and testing in every way imaginable.

    P.S. I have a personal quad on a KK2.0 board, and trust me, dorm rooms love quadcopters :) Test inside all the time :)

  • I had almost the same thing happen to me. I normally don't fly indoors because I don't have the space but was trying out 3.0 when it came out and was trying out the low battery fail-safe. I had set the battery fail-safe with too high of a voltage so when it got to that it just started to land but I didn't know what was going on and just noticed I didn't have any control over the copter. It just crashed and broke some props but could have been worse. Now I never enable battery failsafe. Auto landing because of loss of GPS wasn't (i think) in that version but it is in 3.0.1 as you found out. I think it might be better to fly indoors only with acro mode or turn off the fence. In some ways acro is better than stabilize mode and it even mixes in some stable mode so it's a type of stable acro mode and I don't think it relies on GPS.

    Some have suggested that the copter should maintain itself with the inertial system instead of landing in those situations. It can fly fine without GPS so I see no point in landing since the GPS loss is usually momentary.

    I haven't tried this but I wonder if switching to acro would abort the auto land.

  • Developer

    Hi Jacek, sorry to hear about your crash.

    It did switch to Land because Fence is enabled. This is explained here in the fence warnings.


  • 3692791562?profile=original

  • Can't imagine GPS signal is very good in the basement my friend!

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