Dataflash logs analysis

Howdy ya'll!

I'm a regular APM 2.5 user and I am trying to better understand the dataflash logs to diagnose problems with my craft easier. As I stated I run APM 2.5 with ArduCopter Version 3.0.1, 3DR MTK v2.0 GPS, X-frame, DJI F450, DJI 920 kv motors, DJI 1038 props, DJI 30amp ESCs, Spektrum Dx7s with AR8000 Rx, 915 Mhz 3DR telemetery radio, and 3S 6000mah battery. The problems come in AUTO mode. When I try and fly a simple takeoff, 2 waypoints, and RTL mission. The quad just wants to fly around like a drunk. Generally it takesoff well and flies in the general direction on the wapoint. However usually it slowly deviates from its course and either it crashes slowly through ever increasing udulations, or I take control in STABILIZE to well, stabilize it.

I believe the craft is not tuned fully and this results in the 'drunk' flying. When I look at the logs, GPS has a constant 3D lock, an HDOP around 1, and 11 statilites through the whole flight. So I don't believe its a GPS failure. However when I look at Roll In and Roll values in ATT, they begin nearly identically but slowly diverge from each other at an increasing rate before I switched to STABILIZE. I would like it if someone can confirm my suspicions or point out the actual cause of the erratic behaviour. I will attach the dataflash logs and tlogs with this post along with a screen shot of the PIDs I employ.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes time out of their day to anaylize my logs!

P.S. stuff doesn't start happening in the tlog until about 80% into it.

2013-10-04 11-07 2.log

2013-10-02 14-30-06.tlog


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  • T3
    Have you run compassmot. A big issue these days is electrical interference with the compass, which throws off auto or loiter flights.
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