De-shaking, editing frustrations gopro.


There must be thousands of people doing exactly what I am trying to do so am seeking advice here.


What I would like to do-


-Download the MP4 from my gopro (hero3, using 1080p 5-fps at the moment).

-Use some software to reduce the shakes.

-Perhaps trim/join add music etc.

-Save in a format of my choice.


Where its going wrong-

-Im using virtualdub with deshaker. Seems to be quite good and I expect I can improve the settings.

There appears to be no choice to save except AVI. It is saving an AVI file 10x the original MP4 size. WMP will play it but most other editing stuff gives errors.

-Handbrake says its a protected file.

-VLC says CFHD ‘no way’.

-Mercalli V2 stops halfway and closes down.


What did I do before computers?


Any advice welcome.



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  • You are definitely saving uncompressed files if the size is huge.  It plays poorly because computers have a ton of processing power but limited data bus bandwidth.  I have done a lot of deshaking of GoPro data.  Your success will depend greatly on the nature of the shaking you are trying to get rid of.  This link is a sample from a Mikrokopter is very gusty conditions.

    The problem with a GoPro is the large image curvature.  Success in this case will be limited, you are dragging each successive frame around to keep an object steady.  The very non-linear lens on hte GoPro causes the image periphery to look like its breathing.  I tried a VDub filter that would undistort the image before running it through deshaker.  It worked but you lose a lot of the field of view so it was a wash at the end.


    In my case I don't let VDub use any compression, I just deshake and store as AVI.  I do final edits in Sony Vegas 12 and I don't want to be encoding multiple times.  VDub is not much use for anything beyond chopping off the bits you don't want and savings clips for use in another editor.

  • Virtualdub is a bit of a pain to configure and expand but deshaker is by far the best utility I have found for the job.

    I'm no video expert but I think the problems you have come from exporting uncompressed video (hence the filesize). You need to choose a compression codec from the compression menu. I prefer H264 but I can't remember if that came natively with virtualdub or whether I installed it later.

    I'm afraid i can't be more specific because it's been a while since I installed it but if you google "virtualdub H264", I'm sure you'll find an answer very quickly.

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