DGPS / RTK Corrections over MissionPlanner

I want to use the mission planner "Inject GPS" function to send RTCM correction data from a base station GPS to the GPS in my Airplane using the latest Mission Planner on the ground and a Pixhawk running Arduplane 3.4.0 up in the air.

I have successfully sent correction data using the pymavlink mavgps application which utilises the SERIAL_CONTROL functions of the MAVLink protocol. This, however, takes exclusive control over a serial port and cannot be used in parallel to the Mission Planner. 

Using the Inject GPS function does not seem to do anything, my GPS does not receive data. I took a look at the Piksi documentation which covers the case of sending correction data over MAVLink. However, while the Piksi uses UDP to send the data to the Mission Planner, I want to use a COM port on which RTCM data arrives.

The GPS's output is standard NMEA, I want to send RTCM data.

Has anyone achieved something like this? The basic functionality seems to be implemented, unfortunately in a broken way.

Thank you very much,


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  • All,

    Out of curiosity has anyone tried to use the ctrl-g GPS menu to send the NMEA data via UDP or TCP (rather than serial)?  If its in the works I wont bother any further, but if no one has tried this or its not been thought of I might suggest it in Git as a potential useful feature to be added.


  • Hi

    I recently bought the emlid reach 8MT rtf units and could not get a reliable fix. I notice that you are using the M8P which is the professional version. have you managed to get a reliable fix using these and have it improved the pixhawk gps positioning



    Chopin-Yan said:

    this is what i'm trying, using two m8p module, as image(1)

    Let px4 connect to Mission Planner via FTDI( ttl to usb), this for gps inject testing only, to avoid data throughput issue

    it's seem mission planner can receiver rtcm3 from base m8p(1005, 1077, 1087...), (as image)
    also i have follow the instruction to setup the PX4(gps_inject: send to all)(gps type as ublox)

    during the connection, it's looked nothing happen on Rover M8P, there is no data be sent from tx of gps port

    mission planner version: 1.3.44
    ArduCopter version: 3.4.5

    please help, thanks



  • this is what i'm trying, using two m8p module, as image(1)

    Let px4 connect to Mission Planner via FTDI( ttl to usb), this for gps inject testing only, to avoid data throughput issue

    it's seem mission planner can receiver rtcm3 from base m8p(1005, 1077, 1087...), (as image)
    also i have follow the instruction to setup the PX4(gps_inject: send to all)(gps type as ublox)

    during the connection, it's looked nothing happen on Rover M8P, there is no data be sent from tx of gps port

    mission planner version: 1.3.44
    ArduCopter version: 3.4.5

    please help, thanks



  • I also implemented the RTK GPS (AsteRx-m UAS) from Septentrio, for my thesis at KULeuven. I did an autonomous mission with it. The result is on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrEAQV0pXUo

  • Developer

    as craig has said, the doco is coming, however the function inside MP is working correctly, ive used it multiple times. like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhc4ppAZT1M

    can you confirm you are picking the correct comport/baud for the base gps?

    • Hi Michael,

      Thank you for you answer! We have the same module as you in the video, the Septentrio AsteRx-M UAS. I have verified the com port and baud rate multiple times, but I will verify today. Have you used RTCM or SBF as the transmission protocol?

      • Developer

        I was using rtcm over the air, from the base. and didn't have any issues. the sepentrio supports both old 1004 1005 1012 as well as msm, so you should be able to make ti work with rtcm, I never tested sbf.

        while you have mission planner all setup and running, plug into the gps using usb, and check the differential tab in rxcontrol. you should see packets coming in.

        • HI, am also interested in sending RTCM corrections over the air but for UBLOX modules so DGPS is achivable. Could you elaborate more on the procedure for testing? Maybe a picture?

          I dont get where the differential tab in RX control is.

  • Developer

    You're a couple of weeks early as we are still writing and documenting the procedure.

This reply was deleted.


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