Because the air pollution has "involved area is larger, the area between the variety of large amount of pollutant transport and pollution source, pollution factor relatively complex" wait for a characteristic, the traditional environment monitoring means it is difficult to determine the direct source of the contamination and uses the small UAVs atmospheric mobile monitoring equipment, air pollution situation of a particular area 3 d scanning, and real-time generate intuitive decision-making information, can help the environmental protection department-specific solutions to many problems.

We recently used a device to do gas detection. share my experience of using it.

The device includes hardware and software for data visualization and analysis. It can be mounted on drones to conduct two-dimensional or three-dimensional scanning of air pollution in specific areas and generate a clear and intuitive pollution concentration distribution map in real-time.


You can also choose one or more test items flexibly according to different application requirements (and can add or replace them later).


of course, can carry on the data collection, the data analysis,

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  • As far as I know, this device can only detect gas, no infrared

  • No, because it is equipped with a fixed interface, you can directly convert different gas meters.

    Allen Bryant said:

    Do I need to replace the entire amount for testing other gases?

    Distribution of pollution concentrations produced by UAV gas detectors
    Because the air pollution has involved area is larger, the area between the variety of large amount of pollutant transport and pollution source, pol…
  • Yes, it gives me an intuitive view of the air quality at different heights of the overhead mountains

  • Do I need to replace the entire amount for testing other gases?

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