I'm new to the 3DR multirotors and their shaft setups, but I've already lost 2 props due to prop nuts becoming unfastened in flight. Neither led to a crash (thanks to the Y6's redundancy), but after the last one I was unable to find the prop nut.
I crank them down as much as possible using a small allen key for leverage, but can only get so tight because it's tough to get a grip on a round motor. Do you guys use threadlock to keep your prop nuts on?
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I use "nyloc" nuts and without threadlock of course. I'm also changing nuts to new after 4-5 times opening. This habit comes from working with fullsize airplanes and copters....
Another point to remember about thread-loc, is that its dangerous to use with glass filled nylon parts.
I learnt the hard way when I noticed dozens of spider cracks around every screw on my helicopter frame after using Loctite.
You said..
Are your prop nuts collet type or the newer later style that with the threaded stud above the prop hub like THIS ?
If collet type, there are some precautions to use. If the later style, try holding the prob hub while tightening rather than the motor housing...threadlocker won't hurt either.
Yes. Learned the hard way. Sometimes you just forget to check them before launching.
unlike andrew I do recommend theadlock, then again I have only flown fixed wing. I have also had no issue getting the nut off afterwards or if you still don't like the idea of a CA a nylock nut will be the next best option
No but I check them every couple of flights as part of my preflight. Use regular hex nuts instead of the pretty cone shaped nuts if your concerned.
I now thread lock using the Blue. With wood props I still have to double check in case they swell or shrink. Blue allows you to be able to remove later.