Drone Building Course

Hello Everyone:

My name is Ward and I am brand new to the Forum. I am also brand new to drone building and I am looking to design and build my own drones. I did take Electronis Engineering in College about a million years ago (when almost everything was still analog) so I recognize everything has changed. Been working in the IT industry and house building for the past 3 decades. Can anyone recommend a good, in depth drone development course. I am looking for something I can sink my teeth into burt want to get up to speed asap, which is why I am looking for an online course that I can do at my own pace.

Thank you very much for your help.

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  • It depends on how deep into autonomy that you want to advance. After you understand propellers, motors, ESCs, Power Distribution, Power Modules, RC Radios, Telemetry Radios, Flight Controllers, GNSS Sensors, etc.; you may want to proceed with Companion Computers and Artificial Intelligence Edge.
    • cool, I have a similar drone and don't really know a lot about it. this video is quite informative
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  • Hey Ward. I'm also quite new to this. I'll just use this discussion to borrow all the helpful tips that people leave here haha.
  • Hi Ward, We host in person drone building workshops -- da Vinci Build a Drone Workshops -- and we have done similar Workshops virtually with a local host such as a High School science teacher. We have even done some entirely virtual workshops in Nepal, Malaysia, and Africa with scheduled "office hours." It all depends on how much you want to learn, how fast, and of course your starting baseline. Send a note to us as info@KashmirWorldFoundation,org describing your background and objectives.
    • Thank you very much. I greatly appreciate your reply.
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Jun 30