Engines are less powerful!

Hello everyone, I flight with APM2 for several months.
I just update 2.8.1

I used a battery 3S and then I discovered that the batteries 4S make a Hexacopter more reactive!

Now I would to try to re-use my 3S batteries ... And my copter hard to take off (I have not added weight!) My engines are less powerful as!

I did a reset of my parameters, and I do not understand why my engine is less powerful!

Someone could help me? Sorry if the question already been asked, but I read quite hard English! I'm French!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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  • Guys the "problem" if there is a problem is 2.8.1 NOT your motor or battery.

    Before 2.8.1 full throttle used to power the motors 100% when level.

    2.8.1 does NOT supply 100% OUT to motors when the frame is level - this is a change in the firmware.

    Check this, with props removed, or powered by USB with Lipo not connected.

    Radio calibration performed correctly.

    in Mission Planner - Actions - Raw Sensor View - Radio,


    Full Throttle Radio IN 3 is 1911

    Motors OUT all showing ONLY 1729 with frame level

    On a quad X, lift one motor up and some max motor changes to 1860

    I am guessing the CHANGE in 2.8.1 was done to leave headroom for maneuvering.

    Those who have a frame that needs a lot of throttle just to hover see this change as a LOSS OF POWER.

  • This is an identical discussion on the "HeavyLift," forums with people flying Cinestar and Skyjib's carrying Red Epic cameras. concerning 5S versus 4S lipos.  The higher voltage batteries do give the motors more power with a tradeoff.  For the cinestar people flying 5S lipos are able to get more lifting performance out of the 5S batteries however the current draw increases thus lessens flight time. Some people were having issues on the 5S batteries and the Mikrokopter ECS's overheating and had to switch them to handle higher current draw.  I fly a Cinestar 8 with with heavy cameras and do not notice any issue with the 4S likewise I seem to get good performance out of my DJI F550 Hex on a 3S at a base altitude of 5500 feet in New Mexico.  I seem to get good performance on both.  

  • Moderator


    If I am understanding correctly you were flying happily on a 3S battery with sufficient power in the mid-range throttle to hover the Multicopter, then changed to a 4S battery without changing anything else. Correct so far? Then you flew on the 4S setup and noticed a significant improvement in power right? That of course is to be expected given that all other things remained the same, prop motor ESC etc. How familiar are you with the way your motor 'felt' before you changed to a 4S battery? That is to say if you grabbed the prop shaft and rotated it in the housing you could feel the resistance of each magnet as you rotated the shaft. How does it feel now (battery removed safety first!)? Does it have less resistance than before?

    If you didn't reduce the size of the prop when you went from 3S to 4S you may have overheated the magnets and reduced their effectiveness. Typically if a motor has a range of operating voltage say 3S to 4S and a prop range of say 10x6 to 12x6 you would use the larger prop with the lower voltage and the smaller prop with the higher voltage. Not reducing the size of the prop could have drawn too much current and overheated the motors as a result even though the voltage and prop size were both within range. If you have a spare motor try rotating the shaft and compare it to the motors in question. In extrme overheating I have seen motors even start up in the opposite direction!

    Regards, (and good luck)

    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

  • The 4006 530KV are very large diameter magnets, they are designed to rotate slowly with a high torque and large propellers (power = torque x speed -> Low speed high torque so) I think we can easily propellers rotate 13 or 14 inches (unlike the engine manual). Large propellers that rotate slowly provide better performance, so a longer flight time .. My problem is not about problem material: since I tested the pack 4S I do not want anything else!

  • Ok please!!!!! what is wrong with this 4006 530kv motors, I have just bought 4 of them from HK, and planning to use with 4s and also 3s with a turnigy talon V1 and 10x45 apm2.5....... will it have problems with magntes??

  • I think that the root cause is from material of cheap motor.

    The magnet has been reduced its magnetic and cause the lower power.


  • Thank you Eddie !!

    i think like you !

    tomorrow i will test to calibrate my ESC !

  • Nooooooo I know how to put the screws correctly! :))))
    I thought I may have forgotten a parameter in APM2 ...
    Tomorrow I redo tests!
    also santa brought me a gopro black edition!

  • Propellors upside down?

    If so, they will function but with less thrust.


  • I use lipo

    3300 3S

    5000 3S

    5000 4S (best power!!)

    With the 3S  I have so little power that I have to absorb Difficulty rapid descent!


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