Using the link status in mission planner reveals that my connection is very poor.  RSSI is around 200 with very little noise.  The radios appear to connect fine and data does flow between the pixhawk and GCS, but the link stats shows that 4/5 packets don't make it.  I've replaced one of the radios, cables, etc but get the same outcome.  Any ideas?

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  • Me to,

    with the hex 1 meter from the antenna quality is constantly below 15% and packets are lost in an ever increasing amount

    I updated the 3DR tx/rx firmware from Sik 1.7 to 1.9. no difference.

    I have the following on the RSSI:190/188

    noise 58/33

    I think the packets are being lost as the initial set up takes about 5 min to download the settings from the hex to the laptop. when working it was around 15 seconds.

    the only amendment I have done recently is install a sonar, and I had to change the settings myself, as the auto update failed due to mission planner changes.



    • Yup, seeing the same here on my arducopter. Link quality is <16% even with the radios a few cm apart.. RSSI values seem reasonable, but my connection to the APM is very poor if I am more than a few meters away.

      I have tried reducing the Tx power, just in case the issue was the Rx overloading and producing errors, but the link quality and packet loss rate don't seem to be related to this.The packet loss rate seems very high, as I am apparently dropping ~200-300 packets/second, and getting around 50..

      This issue seems similar to;


      Oddly, I don't think I am seeing the same issue on my arduplane drone using the same ground station and radio. I'll try and check this later.


      • One more,

        Packet loss is the same with other radio set with MavLink protocol. I have a RFDesign RFD 900 long range system and packet loss rate is the same than 3DR radio. Better range only.


  • I am facing the same problem. rssi/remrssi around 200, noise/remnoise around 50. Mission Planner Link Stats shows ever increasing Pkts Lost and link quality <20%.

    I am able to connect Mission Planner and the Aircraft over the 3dr radio link. They are separated by a distance of around 2 meters.

    I did the same connection with MAVProxy and QGroundControl. These softwares show little or no packets lost.

    So, I am not sure if the packets are really lost. Any idea how this can be checked?

    In flight I get a poor 3dr radio range - of about 100 meters only.

    My setup:

    Mission Planner : 1.3.18 (also tried 1.3.19)

    APM 2.0 with ArduPlane 3.2.3

    3DR Radio 433 MHz: v1.3 with SiK 1.9




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