Extending cable length on uBlox GPS and Telemetry Radio?

I'm building up a Skywalker platform for an APM 2.6, and found it's pretty tough to find a good spot for the GPS and telemetry radio that's close enough to use the stock cables.  First, are there any longer cables available to buy and if not, is it advisable to DIY a solution?  Not sure if longer cables might increase interference beyond an acceptable threshold.

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  • I need to replace my gps and compass harness with new ones due to one malfunctioning/broken. I would also like to extend my cables and haven't found a source for them. I found a couple references to use Digikey but I don't know what the actual connectors are called and how to find them on the digikey site.

    I tried the 3dr store...who knows what they are up to these days, since providing replacement parts isn't  high on their list of priorities.

  • I've just upgraded to Pixhawk from APM and need to extend my GPS/Compass wires too. Can anyone advise what gauge cable I should buy so that I can slice the existing cables and extend them to the lengths I need?

    • Current is very low so you can use a time gauge like 32 if you want. I use 28 since it's a little easier to work with.
      • Much obliged thank you.

  • Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well. I have a DF13 6pin ~ 6pin cable that is 45cm long. This is the length I need and it would work perfect, except the new GPS+Compass module I just bought is not DF13 6pin ~ 6pin (like the older GPS), it is instead DF13 6pin ~ 5pin. 3Dr doesn't sell a 45cm cable like this, and the one that comes with the new GPS module is way to short. Where can I buy a 45cm DF13 6pin ~ 5pin cable for my new GPS, or how would I hack my existing cable to work? (6p on one end, and 5p on the other)

  • Anybody know where I can get a 45cm cable? The cable for the new GPS+Compass modules are 6 pin on one end, and 5 on the other. Naturally 3Dr doesn't have any long cable of this variety. I do have a 45cm DF13 6p~6p. How would I hack that?

  • Admin


    As far as the Compass goes, there are several longer cables in the 3DR Store:

    25cm Compass cable: 25cm

    30cm Compass cable: 30cm

    45cm Compass cable: 45cm

    As far as I can tell there is only one GPS cable and that is one that comes with the GPS/Compass module. So I purchased one of the 6 pin to 6 pin DF13 cables like this one 30cm and one 5 pin DF13 connector housing 5 pin housing and made my own.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer 

  • I extended my telemetry cables out to the wing tip and it works great.
    I extended my gps cable by soldering to the 4 pads on the gps (5v, Tx, Rx, GND). I don't know why the 3DR cable has 6 wires, it works fine with 4. Maybe someone else can explain what those wires do.
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